Like any good relationship the coach:athlete relationship requires communication that goes both ways. It is important that you communicate with your coach. They will touch base with you when they need to, but to ensure that you get the best value for money they need to know what you have been doing.
The best way for the coach to receive communication with you is by updating your Training Peaks account with as much accurate information as you can. If you have a Garmin or other training tool that can upload direct to Training Peaks they will be able to see exactly what you have done. It also helps if you write some comments in the comments section about the sessions.
If you don’t have a suitable training tool, you can still write information in the completed boxes. Only worry about entering data that is accurate. If you haven’t measured it, don’t try and guess it. It might mean the only information you have is the duration of the workout. That is fine.
Skype and Phone Consultations
As part of your coaching service your coach will make themselves available for consultations. This is usually promoted on Facebook and the newsletter (if you aren’t on Facebook you will still hear about it in the newsletter). Book in by commenting on the Facebook post with the time that you would like. Make sure you have a read of the other comments and so you avoid booking a time that someone else has booked. If you need a special consultation, feel free to contact your coach directly and arrange something suitable.
Blog Articles
Most weeks will see a few articles related to training, racing or nutrition loaded onto the Coach Ray website. Details are often released in the fortnightly newsletter. If there is a particular topic you would like covered please feel free to ask your coach to write an article specifically covering the topic you are interested in or go to the Ask Coach Ray section of the website and submit a question to be answered.
Each fortnight we try and release a newsletter with a whole raft of information. We avoid spamming and try our best to include interesting and meaningful information. Content varies from newsletter to newsletter and will often include an article about training, recent race results from the coaches and athletes, upcoming events that you may be interested in, as well as articles from other members. If you would like to submit an article feel free to contact Coach Ray directly on, with your article and preferably with some photos to go alongside the article.
If at any stage you have any questions feel free to email, phone, text or Facebook message your coach. Alternatively you can use the Ask Coach Ray feature of the blog and I will write an article about it, publishing it on the blog for everyone to take advantage of.