As I pondered what to write for this weeks Blog to Ray for Qwik Kiwi, I glanced at my watch and realised today (15 Jan 16) is four months away from Day 2 for the biggest endurance test of my life. In four months time Day 2 is the 281.1 Km bike ride in 12 hours or less, after Day 1 which is the 10 Km Ocean Swim followed by a 140 Km Bike Ride of 6 hours for each or less (12 hours total). The biggest concern plaguing me at the moment is the double marathon on Day 3 for 12 hours. Four months out and I’m on the Physio bed getting taped up and wondering why now, why when I have a Half Ironman next weekend, an Ironman in the start of March and the Ultraman Australia mid May.
So how did my week go? With my injury in consideration, Ray is carefully planning my training. Swimming and cycling are no problem and this week on Monday I tackled the Blue Mountains Road which those of you from here will know all too well. It is the road from the Silverstream end into Whiteman’s Valley and a good lung burner. I have purposely stayed on the flats with most of my cycling since my injury to protect it, letting the head winds give it a good work out. I knew the Blue Mountains Road would give it a good test and I came out fine. For the run that Ray had planned on Tuesday, I took it slowly and cautiously and did a 6+ Km Run with no calf concern. Wednesday is the Splash n Dash which I do as I am a novice at sea swimming (yeah I know Ultraman) followed by a 4 Km Run. For some silly reason I forgot about nursing the calf on the run and took off. 250 metres later Ray would have heard me cursing from Burnham. So Thursday I did a swim to loosen it and today (Friday) I did a 4 hour cycle deliberately staying off the hills, however the Wellington winds were horrendous (noting Gerard reported on Qwik Kiwi Facebook the same conditions in Christchurch).
So I met the Physio lady today and she thought I was nuts when I explained what I had coming up and I was insisting she perform some magic. Ray has carefully planned the programme for next week to focus on swimming and cycling. The Half Ironman is there and worse case scenario I’ll do the Swim, Bike and Power Walk the Run as DNS or DNF are not in my vocabulary. But the final decision I will take from the Physio and the forever patient and relaxed Ray.
Lifting my spirits was the Qwik Kiwi House Facebook post by Helen Majorhazi of a picture that really made me smile and confirmed that all my Qwik Kiwi colleagues are supporting me: Only those that risk going to far can possibly find out how far they can go – T.S. Elliot (Helen Majorhazi).
Don’t forget to Google search “Ultraman Oz”
Regards John Humphries (Humps)!