Signing up to Spring Challenge as a first timer was both exciting and terrifying at the same time. Aside from riding my bike around town with my children, I’d not covered much other terrain. Long runs was something I was relatively new to and as for multi sports, I’d never tried any previously.
One of my friends did some research online for Spring Challenge training and stumbled across Ray’s website. Reading his credentials we thought we were crazy to train with anyone involved with the army, as we figured it would be incredibly hard work. We signed up all the same!
Much to our surprise, when we met Ray, he was laid back, encouraging and very informative. We went to Hokitika for a training weekend, where we learned many valuable skills and pushed ourselves under the careful guidance of Ray. Throughout the training, Ray patiently worked to everyone’s capabilities and made us realise that we’re all capable of a lot more than we sometimes give ourselves credit for.
Spring Challenge arrived and with all Ray’s tips for map reading, orientation, fuelling and looking after the team, we had the best fun completing the six hour challenge.
I’ll definitely be using Ray’s services in the future as I know he’s going to produce great results with the time he invests.
– Maria Lamb
If like Maria you have got a big goal you need assistance to complete, apply to join Team Qwik Kiwi.

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