Each Sunday I’ll post my ‘best of’ list in a number of categories from the inter-webs. Other weeks can be found here. Click on the images to link through to the article.
Technology/Equipment Articles

Training/Racing Articles

Nutrition Articles

Book of the Week
Author Tom Rodgers has developed real-time software and training systems to measure the performance of astronauts aboard NASA’s International Space Station. The Perfect Distance puts that expertise to use in a step-by-step programme of preparation and training for triathletes. Packed with technique and drills and built on the proven Ultrafit platform, this is the first book to equip triathletes for the long course. Half-Ironman races are the fastest-growing distance in triathlon and a pivotal stepping stone toward the sport’s ultimate challenge — the Ironman. The book outlines every facet of effective preparation for a long-course event. There are sport-specific chapters as well as instruction on selecting equipment, making smart nutrition decisions, strength training, and overcoming injuries — accompanied by clear charts and tables throughout. Extensive appendixes featuring workouts for swim, bike, run, key training sessions, and indoor training make The Perfect Distance an authoritative, one-stop resource for novices and more seasoned trainers.
How To Ride Off Camber MTB Trails | Essential Mountain Bike Skills
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