Hi Team
Welcome to Blog # 39.
This week has been a mixed week of training due to a change of work location for the week and a serious eye infection which kept me out of the pool from Monday. I purchased new goggles as my last pair were pretty much done and dusted. I always stick with the same brand as they fit to my face quite well, however the pair that I purchased had a very slight crack in the mould. Every two laps during the warm up I had to stop and drain the goggles. After the warm up I went back to the Pool Shop and exchanged them for another pair. I continued and finished my 3km+ swim which Coach Ray had scheduled, At that time I noticed my eyes were sore. Once I got out of the shower my eyes were completely red and blood shot and discomforting pain was setting in.
Once I got back to Camp I went to the Doctor who put local antiseptic drops in my eyes. That had me wincing around like a kid at the dentist. It was obvious I couldn’t go to work as a computer screen and any source of light was unbearable. In my room I had to sit there all day with the curtains shut and no lights on. I thought to myself ‘this must be what solitary confinement feels like’.

It took the remainder of the week for the redness to subside with gooey eye drops administered. I managed to get back to work the next day, however I was banned from the pool for the week. Now I am back into it.
As I was away from my work site for a couple of days, I had to mix my training around as I didn’t have my training bike with me. I did have my running shoes. The bonus of no swimming was that it made it easier to mix around my training.
I still managed to get all the land based training (running and cycling) in by the end of the week, however I missed two swims.
When I reflect back since the time I became an athlete with Coach Ray, I have only missed a half dozen training sessions, and those have all been for medical reasons.

Well team, not long to go now until the ‘1‘ of the ‘3+2+1=Charity‘ being Ultraman Australia 13-15 May 2017. This brings me to this weeks photos from the Kelloggs Nutri-Grain Ironman New Zealand in Taupo which I completed in March. The finish chute for the swim in the rough conditions couldn’t have come fast enough. Head down, butt up of yet another hill climb on the bike, and you never get enough of the finishing run chute which means you made it to the finish line of Ironman.
If you wish to donate to my charity of the Children of the Fallen Heroes, which is what the 3+2+1=Charity is all about, then please use the enclosed link. 100% of the funds raised goes to the cause. I am paying all other expenses myself.