Lisa’s Journey, Week 10: Trust And To Believe In One’s Self…

You have to trust in the process and have the confidence that you can and will achieve your goals! This was too big of a heading, but this is what I have come to learn over that last couple of months. The great thing I’ve found with having a running coach is being able to put your trust in their hands, and know that their knowledge will help get you to where you need to be, and you don’t have to even think about it.  You  just have to stick to the plan!

I must say though, it’s taken me a bit to let my guard down and trust the process. Most of all because I’d stacked the odds against myself before I’d even started. But the proof is in the pudding (yum pudding), so to speak. I have followed what Ray’s asked even when I REALLY didn’t want to. I didn’t die, even though I felt like I was about too, and here I am 10 weeks on, I’m gaining confidence in my ability to do what’s asked. The fitter your body becomes and the ‘light bulb’ moments you have, make me realise that I can trust this process and that Ray knows his stuff. 

This week, I’ve been thinking about where I’m at.  Yes, everyone who said it’ll get easier is 100% right!! For those who haven’t started yet, it does get easier, but it doesn’t feel like it at the time, and yeah, when it gets easier Ray makes it harder, but that’s how you progress. Because everyone is different in so many ways, be it – size, weight, injuries,  the list could go on, it’s whether or not you’re ready to challenge yourself.

Anyway I think what I’m trying to say is that if anyone was looking for an out – Pick Me! That would(‘ve) been me. Starting out is always hard enough.  You’re tired because you’re asking your body to do life, work  and ‘regular’ physical activity all of a sudden. The worst part for me was that I’ve been here many a time before.  I knew what was coming and I didn’t want to go there, because it was going to suck!! (and it did!!) 

However, all these opportunities had opened up and I said to myself basically,  ‘it’s now or never’, and I actually held myself accountable. I just want anyone who might be sitting on the fence, to get off, because it’s a great feeling to start achieving something you thought impossible!! I find it hard to stick to things, but I can say I have followed my programme and I’ve not missed one run. I haven’t always gotten the stretching days done, because if I’m honest at the start my brain went “it’s not a run, don’t worry about it.” Now however, as you get further into the training, you do the stretching, even on non stretching days, you still stretch.

I’d also been watching all Ray’s clients results going up, admiring how they can stay ‘inzone’ for most of their workout. I was envious. With this seed planted, I was going to get ‘in the zone’ (somehow). I tried my absolute hardest to stay inzone for one of my longer runs and I did it. Well  I was 86% ‘inzone’. Small goal, but you have to keep setting them!

I thought I’d jump on my bike Friday to see if I still knew how to ride it after a mate suggested we go for a ride. I had no running that day, so I thought why not!  It was certainly great to get back on the bike, even though the day was bitter cold and we lost the feeling in our toes. So much so we actually had to stop at the Beach House Cafe for a coffee and thaw them out by the fire.

– Lisa Harris

Lisa will be writing weekly as she continues her journey to achieving her goal of completing the 10km Kaikoura Whale Run. Check in next Tuesday for her next article.

Read Lisa’s article from last week here:

Lisa’s Journey Week 9: Be Stronger than your Excuses!

And all her previous articles are stored here:

Lisa has worked hard over the last four weeks building her training sessions up from a walk with a bit of running…through to running with a bit of walk and now 4km of non-stop running following the programme below.


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