Lisa’s Journey, Week 16: Whale Run 2018 – Done & Dusted

What a week. It was all go at school leading up to the Whale Run. The spring weather looked like it might just start to return for Saturday’s event – we had our eyes, fingers, arms & legs crossed! But I must say the snow on the hills is always a lovely sight!

Mt Fyffe

I’m going to keep this short and sweet. I have been totally overwhelmed by people’s well wishes, belief and encouragement  for me doing this run. I want to say a big ‘Thank You’ back, because it does mean a lot! So much so, it made my eyeballs leak! Emotions were running high also, because  I’d worked hard to get here and actually stuck to the the programme! And I got there. I hadn’t ‘fallen off the wagon’, or ‘given up’, so a big shout out to Ray, for mysteriously showing up in my life and patiently and sternly (but not too sternly) getting my ass moving. To ‘Symonde’ for untying all my knots and tight bits. ‘Pie, from Traditional Acupuncture’ for her awesome skills, those ‘little leave in ones’ (still can’t remember the name) are a god send – no knee pain! To my Hubby for always picking up dinner duty,  so I can bugger off on my runs, and for having dinner ready for when I return. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Ready to go

Race day – I was so thankful for the countdown and to finally just get started!! A quick hug with my Wifey a drink and a jet plane at the drink station, was a nice wee booster. I enjoyed the downhill home, in at 1:19hr(chip) or 1:20hr(gun) I’m not sure of the in’s and out’s of this, but I’m going with chip time haha.

Sigh of relief, and a nice cold Kahlua hit the spot!!!

– Lisa Harris

Lisa will be writing weekly as she continues her journey after achieving her goal of completing the 10km Kaikoura Whale Run. Check in next Tuesday for her next article.

Read Lisa’s article from last week here:

Lisa’s Journey, Week 15: It’s Spring!! Time for G & T…

And all her previous articles are stored here:

Lisa has worked hard over the last four weeks building her training sessions up from a walk with a bit of running…through to running with a bit of walk and now 4km of non-stop running following the programme below.


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