Wooohoo, last week of school term! I’m looking forward to turning the alarm off for two weeks! This weeks been a ‘meh’ week. Friday came and it was time to take some deep breaths and clear my mind. So I jumped on the bike, and went up to our local lookout to soak up some beautiful scenery, along with 30 Japanese tourists and some Australians.
It has been hard to get motived this week. Of course once I forced myself out the door it didn’t go all that bad. What’s not to like about getting the endorphins flowing and meeting some visitors to our town on a beautiful day?

I’m still staying active and with my heel playing up is nice to break the running up with biking! Even our slips are active around here!! I still enjoying going places and where I once found it hard, I now find it okay. Still such a long way to go, but I’m enjoying the ride.
I had the best run on Sunday. I just felt I could do it and do it without too many head battles. That doesn’t mean I couldn’t be bothered to start with, but as soon as I changed into my running gear, changed my mindset, and headed out the door, I was fine. The weather was unusual, very still and quiet. It was so nice to listen to the native birds and the odd lazy bumblebee whizzing around. I had asked the Hubby to pick me up as I thought I’d die going up the hill, but I didn’t and got further than I thought. I didn’t have to stop to walk until I got to the top. I had a nice walk to cool down, because apparently the timer didn’t go off to remind him.
It has been great seeing all the Spring Challenge ladies’ achievements popping up on Facebook. Very inspiring. Well done to you all!!!
“Learn to trust the journey, even if you do understand it. Sometimes what you never wanted or expected turns out to be what you need.”
– Lisa Harris
Now that Lisa has completed the 10km Kaikoura Whale Run, she has agreed to continue writing to continue to inspire other people out there to get started and make a positive change. Check in next Tuesday for her next article.
Read Lisa’s article from last week here:
And all her previous articles are stored here: