I’ve actually not got too much to report training wise. The last week was a hike and a bike. Yip that was it! Seems even worse now, having just typed it. It’s like saying it out loud. So, I was just putting this event down to the experience since the training for it had eased off.
I’ve had a cold all week and my energy levels had been on the low side. Thankfully I started to feel better come Saturday. At least breathing would be easier.
I woke up Sunday not feeling at all like I had over the past week and it was pouring! On the upside, it wasn’t going to get hot. Downside, I was going to get soaked! Once I got to town the rain had stopped and it was surprisingly warm. No one else had much stuff, but I seemed to be prepared to be there for the week if need be. Nothing wrong with being prepared, and at least now I know what to expect!

It was nice to again bump into my mate’s Mum. Since starting this ‘journey’, I’ve seen her at the last four events. We started taking selfies and sending to her girl as a bit of a joke – keeping her guessing where we were. She does a lot of events all over the place, so was great to get tips and advice.
I thoroughly enjoyed the run. I wasn’t tired like I thought I’d be (again should just have just taken Ray at his word) and even though my heel started to niggle, it wasn’t bad. It felt nice to be able to pass people and not be the one being passed for once. I found three ladies, one who from ear wigging on their conversation sounded like she was in my boat, having built up to this. The other two were encouraging, funny and positive. And so I used this for my advantage too. I ran up the steps easily, felt good!

Onto the bike, which after biking up the Puhi seemed quite tame. My legs went a bit jelly getting off in the dismount area, but I was happy to see the kids and Nanny cheering me on. It wasn’t till I took my shoes off to head to the pool, that my heel gave me grief. The swim was a lot easier than I had anticipated and it was quite a nice wee end to the race. I could have quite happy lulled around in there for awhile, but figured I needed to finish what I started.
I was super stoked with my times, and yes I would highly recommend the event to anyone. If you can walk or run, bike and swim/doggy paddle/tread water then give it ago next year!! Get the girls in a team, mother/daughter, or business group.
My heel made me suffer afterwards, but the moment that made it all worth it, was when my girl gave me a big hug, and said “Mum, I’m so proud of you for doing that”!!
What now? Try and get this heel sorted, as it’s driving me insane! I will rest it from the running side of things as that helps, and keep hiking and biking. We have a Rogaine in December in preparation for Absolute Wilderness. I possibly think it’s absolute madness, but I guess we’ll find out!!
– Lisa Harris
Now that Lisa has completed the 10km Kaikoura Whale Run, she has agreed to continue writing to continue to inspire other people out there to get started and make a positive change. Check in next Tuesday for her next article.
Read Lisa’s article from last week here:
And all her previous articles are stored here: