Ultra Humps

UltraHumps: The Heart of the Issue

Hi blog followers

Welcome to my blog as I continue my journey towards the Cameron Brown Award and IronMaori / Port of Tauranga Legend Series.

Apologies for my short blog this week.  This is due to an extremely busy time  which we all have at this time of year, with both work on the professional side and a hectic schedule as we try and fit in with Christmas functions, family and training.  To top it off I’m still unpacking boxes with the house move.  The joys of shifting!

Coach Ray has scheduled my training, where this week we moved on from the recovery week post the IronMaori Half Ironman and focused on normal training, but with a glitch.  For those that read my blog last week you would of picked up that I had moved on from a strained upper left arm to now having a strained left thigh, which could possibly be related to a strained hamstring.  As a result Coach Ray has me focusing on cycling and swimming and resting my leg from running.  Interesting I can cycle, even up and down hills with no problem, but running was extremely slow and painful.  I’ve taken the week off running completely and actually found myself missing it.  This week I have an Army Fitness Test, so this will give me a good test once I run the 2.4 km run in a set time frame.

Ultra HumpsApart from that everything has been going fine, except for one additional minor issue – the Heart Rate Monitor.  For a few sessions it sent my Garmin a message indicating its battery was low.  I had some spare batteries in a box I’m yet to unpack, but thought sweet as I’ll get to it in the weekend, but it actually died before I got around to it.  So in the weekend when I  hit the roads for 3 and a half hours on my bike, I slapped on my Garmin and the Heart Rate Monitor didn’t work.  Oh well, I had a fair idea of the effort required so had a crack.  I guess I nailed it as Coach Ray indicated Training Peaks shows a “solid effort” with Ray looking at all aspects of my download.

So my arm has come right, my leg has gone wrong, my Heart Rate Monitor has given up the ghost, and I’ll test my leg with an Army Fitness Test this week.

Stay tuned team as I am half way through the journey of ‘4″ events out of 8, for my journey towards the Cameron Brown Award and IronMaori / Port of Tauranga Legend Series, with the next event being the Port of Tauranga Enduro Half Ironman in less than 4 weeks, which counts towards the IronMaori / Port of Tauranga Legend Series events.

Regards John Humphries aka UltraHumps.

Humps will be writing weekly as he continues his journey raising funds for the Fallen Hero’s Trust

Read Humps’ article from last week here:

And all his previous articles are stored here:


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