Lisa’s Journey, Week 38: Ray to the Rescue!

This week was much the same as the last – you know, I go for my ride and if I remember, I get a photo for the blog. It’s enjoyable to be out as I like biking more than running. But have found myself fantasising about running, while I’m biking. I guess it’s because I am unable to run!

It’s really hard to write a blog (well I struggle) when you go for your ride and nothing much has happened on them – well nothing riveting anyway. The only thing out of the ordinary lately was that I mucked up my track under the bridge and rode into the thick shingle, hit my pedal on a boulder and nearly fell off.

And on my return trip I came round the bend to nearly ride through a big steaming pile of dog s**t! It must’ve been a pretty large dog!! #pickupyashit #steamingmadaboutpoo. I mean c’mon, if you don’t have the courtesy to pick it up, at least find a nearby stick or something and get it off to the side of the track where poor unsuspecting victims won’t ride or walk right through it!

I haven’t hit anyone on my favourite part of the track as yet. It feels like a race track, nice wee ups and downs and corners, but I have to be aware not so much of poo, but of tourists walking. I love it when they have their headphones in and can’t hear or sense you behind them and they’re right in the middle of the track. At least that keeps the HR in zone!

My sister brought her bike up when she came to visit, so I dragged her along on a couple of my rides. On our return home she took a different route, so I said “do I have to wait for you or can I just carry on home?” She’s like ‘whatever, I’ll beat you to bridge anyway’, so basically it was on! I glanced down once and slowed up to try keep in zone, but the urge to beat her was far greater!! Being she had the easier route, I’d like to say I won as I was coming under the train ‘bridge’ just as she rode onto the road ‘bridge’, but the jury’s still out.

Anyway I waved my wee white flag this week. I was defeated. So I messaged Ray – HELP!! I’ve got nothing. All the others are doing cool challenging events and it makes for far more interesting reading. Me – I go for a bike ride.

In Ray’s true ‘Qwik’ fashion he shot back with, “How would you feel about targeting the 42km at the GrapeRide in Blenheim? Would that interest you and give some focus to your training?”

That’s a yes from me! You really do need a focus point. I’ve said this before. I am doing it to stay active yes, which of course is a must, but throw in a goal/challenge and the focus now has purpose!

Haha, I still possibly will struggle to keep you engaged as I will still be going for bike rides, but we’ll see how we go.

Here’s to keeping doggy doo off my shoe! Until next blog, have a great week.

– Lisa Harris

Now that Lisa has completed the 10km Kaikoura Whale Run, she has agreed to continue writing to continue to inspire other people out there to get started and make a positive change. Check in next Tuesday for her next article.

Read Lisa’s last article here:

And all her previous articles are stored here:

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