Mikes Middle Distance Magic: Busy But Productive!

Things are getting back on track with training. This week has gone pretty well. The only session I’ve missed is the swim. Looking at the calendar at the start of the week I was thinking how on earth am I going to fit the training in along with my youngest son’s 3rd birthday, Mother’s Day and a busy week at work. So I started this week just scratching my head thinking, where do I start?

Following on from the last blog I started the weekend with a pretty good bike ride on the Sunday. If you have read my previous blogs these haven’t exactly gone to plan this winter. Ray had a 3 hour ride planned this Sunday and I actually rode for 3 hours in the correct Zone 2 training zone. Happy days! It didn’t even feel as bad as I expected. I’ve had massive mental blocks on these rides, thinking how on earth am I going to do these workouts. Well it’s a lot easier to do these rides outside and definitely when the sun is shining! So it was a big tick (completed) and a green session completed!

Then Monday’s long run was great. Last week I didn’t quite manage the Zone 3 10 minute section of the run. However this week I did. It’s such a tough session, however the consistent 2 hour runs have really built up my running ability and mental toughness on the long runs and running in general! I just need to transfer this ability and attitude to my biking. Which brings me onto my biking this week.

The last two weeks Ray has scheduled a 6 x 4 min VO2 max session. To say I’ve found this tough is an understatement. It’s a killer! Ray feels I have the ability to complete this session as he wouldn’t prescribe it otherwise. I’ve really hit the wall with this one over the last couple of weeks. This week was no exception unfortunately, however I’ve got a plan in place with Ray next week and hopefully mentally I’ll be stronger !

On that note today is my son’s third birthday. He’s had a great time and I’m more tired running around after him than any training Ray has thrown at me. He seems to have more speed and endurance, haha.

– Mike Catton

Mike is training for some triathlons and half Ironman in 2019. Check in next Monday for his next article about his training journey.

Check out last weeks article:

All his previous articles are stored here:


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