Ali’s Adventure: Kaiteriteri 6 Hour Relay

Seriously one of my favourite events of the year, the Kaiteriteri 6 hour relay is such great fun.  It is based at the Kaiteriteri Mountain Bike Park, more focus on fun than competition (but still reasonably competitive to some haha). Some teams dress up, some go full blown lycra XC and everyone has a great day, lapping out over a 6km course in the glorious sunshine.

I drew the short straw of the first lap, full blown race start and then bottle necks and multiple kids to manoeuvre around. About 5 minutes in I got stung by 5 wasps up my arms.  Those little fellas are nasty and it was pretty sore, but being so competitive in nature I just wasn’t going to give up my spot in the race. A slightly undulating but fast course, I gave the hard tail a good nudge. Coming in to the next person in my team it was so good to see everyone excited for their turn. Each lap was around 20 minutes but my second lap was 19.23 and second fastest female lap on the day. Happy!

It is quite hard trying to squeeze past some of the team who were dressed up as old men and riding fixed gear old dungers, but everyone was just so cool and friendly. Lots of banter and people from about 8 years to 50+. If you haven’t entered this race before I highly recommend it.

Sunday I took myself up Scout track and a hilly off road loop round some fire break trails. Pretty happy I managed to drag a friend along with me for a change.  It helps with the motivation some days when usually I train on my own. My legs were a bit jaded from the day before but I was very happy with how I ran and again lots of talking to ensure we were in Zone 2. Great mileage for one weekend!

Going full stealth in a tutu 🙂

– Ali

Ali is writing about her experience preparing for the K2M.  Join her with her weekly article about her training and experience.

Read the last “Ali’s Adventure” here:

All her articles can be found here:

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