Okay, so this week regarding specific training, my ‘Training Peaks wheel’ looks like a giant stop sign!! Or for those of you with a sweet tooth, a giant red lollipop. You don’t want red lollipops however, you want green ones.
It was a busy start to the week as school went back, so it was good to get some routines going again. It seems for the kids that was easy, but my specific training regime has been somewhat erratic/non existent.
I’ve not stopped or given up. To me it just feels like timing and where I’m at personally right now. Other things are happening and taking priority and I just find if it causes me to stress about getting it done because of other commitments, it’s more detrimental.
The kids and I took the opportunity while in Glenorchy to go exploring (on foot). I know this isn’t ‘targeted training’, but I actually find myself enjoying this more right now. I’m not stressing about having to work around getting a training session done because the kids can be with me. I believe being out there doing some form of exercise is better than sitting on the couch.
We did the loop track at the start of the Routeburn and it blows me away how beautiful that place really is. Photos just don’t do justice. The Glenorchy boardwalk is always a nice walk and we attempted the Greenstone, but weren’t game to cross the second ford in the car, so that’s still to tick off.
We found another wee track along the side of the hill above town, so I decided to go back in the afternoon and walk/jog it. My foot was surprisingly good. It was the pain in my hip that finally reduced me to back to a walk/limp.
Anyway, hip pain was over shadowed by turning 38. I had an awesomely fun day with the family. We went luging in the morning, where our competitive streaks all shone brightly through haha.
Annnd… I got my FergBurger!! I heard about Fergs a while ago and have wanted one since. Being a lover of a good burger, it went on my bucket list! So I was stoaked to have it as my birthday lunch on the lake front. This article sums it up really https://nomadsworld.com/fergburger-queenstown. I am really starting to wonder if I should be writing a food blog, or something other than an exercise blog.

True enjoyment comes from activity of the mind and exercise of the body; the two are ever united.
Karl Wilhelm Von Humboldt
Lisa x
In 2018 Lisa took up the challenge of getting fit to do the 10km Kaikoura Whale Run. That ticked off, she has agreed to continue writing with the hope that she can inspire even the most stubborn (such as herself) to get out there, set challenges and make positive change in their life. No one said it will be easy, but it will be worth it!!
Check in next Tuesday for her next article.
Read Lisa’s last article here:
All her previous articles are stored here: