UltraHumps: 3rd Consecutive Challenge – Body For Life Challenge

Hello Blog Followers and welcome to my weekly blog where I have found another challenge to test myself. You will be aware from previous blogs, that at present I am conducting two challenges, all in the name of a free T-Shirt for each challenge. The first one being the 1000 Km Challenge where you have to run or walk 1000 Km’s over a six month period, and second being where you have to climb almost 195,000 steps on a Jacobs Ladder to climb the 7 mountains. This one is a challenge of a different type, and with no free T-Shirt…

I was wandering around a book shelf trying to locate a book that would attract my interest to read when and if I had some down time. I saw a book staring at me from the front of the cover, not the spine of the book, as if to send me a message. It was called “Champions Body For Life“. It quickly grabbed my attention and I thought this looks interesting and sounds like a bit of me. As I flicked through the book it had everyday people talking through their transformation over a 12 week challenging period, with some amazing results. The Highs, the Lows and the End Results. It was primarily to do with exercise and nutrition. The two biggest reasons why people have bad health or are overweight, and I am no exception. I might have the exercise part sorted, but nutrition is my failing.

I started reading the book and thought I’d give it a go, after all it was 12 weeks, how hard could it be to discipline ones self. I set up an excel spreadsheet where I would list what I would eat for each meal, each smoko and each supper. I knew I would select healthy food reduced in quantity to make this work for the 3 main meals of the day, as well as morning tea, afternoon tea, and supper if I so chose to indulge would simply be a cup of tea or some fruit.

I’d download my exercise where I was downloading my results from the other two challenges, being the 1000 Km Running and/or Walking Challenge, plus the 195,000 Steps of the Jacobs Ladder Challenge. I would weigh myself daily and then average my weight over the week with it hopefully decreasing.

Being a stubborn git, I knew I would stick to it, or would I? In my second week I forgot to enter a couple of days worth of meals and missed my weighing sessions and probably snuck in a couple of bad boys food. I always intended to give myself a food treat just once a week, like an ice cream or something like that, but I knew I had blown it. I could of said stuff it, ditch the challenge, no-one knows about it except me. But that’s not me, and if I wanted others to pick up on the healthy lifestyle I simply pushed reset and started again. I have kept the failed 12 week challenge as reminder to keep me focused, and have now restarted and in to my first week of it. Why, sometimes you look in the mirror after a shower and think,.. man I have looked and still could better, being in my 50’s in no excuse.

Stay tuned team to follow progress of the three challenges I am doing simultaneously, where I will be honest and upfront on how each goes, being the 1000 Km Run / Walk Challenge, the 195,000 Steps Jacobs Ladder Challenge, and the Body For Life Challenge. Regards John Humphries (Aka Ultra Humps).

Humps will be writing weekly as he continues his journey raising funds for the Fallen Hero’s Trust.

Read Humps’ article from last week here:

All his previous articles are stored here:


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