Disappointed in the lack of my motivation, it has lead me to try crack down on making excuses… (‘try’ being the operative word here)… Its been time, work, the weather, kids, lack of actually wanting too, the list could go on… and don’t worry I hear a violin playing too…
Thankfully, something inside is still ticking over and niggling even if its ever so slight… I’d say it lead to an impulse buy… but I’ve been thinking about it for quite some time now. I missed the sale, first and second time, so months later and third time lucky, I got myself a ‘No BEN!!’,(No Bloody Excuses Now), in the form of a spin bike.
However, the couple of rides I did get out and do, one before winter hit on the 1st June!!! And a Queens birthday ride – were great, the weather was amazing!!

Part of me is excited as I know I can get something done, most days! Part of me is not excited as I know I have to get something done most days… no excuses… I’ll be in trouble, especially if this ‘piece of equipment’ becomes a fancy clothes hanger.
In 2018 Lisa took up the challenge of getting fit to do the 10km Kaikoura Whale Run. That ticked off, she has agreed to continue writing with the hope that she can inspire even the most stubborn (such as herself) to get out there, set challenges and make positive change in their life. No one said it will be easy, (and its not), but it will be worth it!!
Check in next Tuesday for her next article.
Read Lisa’s last article here:
All her previous articles are stored here: