Have got a few walks in, a short jog and a bike. Not really training, rather, enjoyment. And if I enjoy it, I’ll tend do it. Kids, dog and I have been strolling and its been good. I just make sure we’re always on a hill so somewhere in there there’s an up and a down.
Start of the week I just wanted to run… (still not sure why, and in my case it is never a run like I envision, but more of a walk/jog – “wog”.) I dear say the full moon had something to do with the craziness… but I acted on my whim, chucked the bikes on and the kids and dog in the car and headed to the bush track. I jogged so slow I’m sure a snail … went speeding by me. And it was just a short couple of kms, but apart from a few wee stops to help kids take sweaters off etc, I didn’t have to stop. Which did shock me!!! Heel was fine until I stopped, but has been tender since.

‘Wig Wednesday’ happened at school on, well – Wednesday. Everyone got in behind raising some money for child cancer research. So sad what such young children have to endure. So always a good cause to support! https://wigwednesday.childcancer.org.nz/

I was going to bike on my boys training night, but decided, and really just wanted to take the doggy walking instead. So did that, and ticked another day off having actually got my a** out the door and did something.
Hope everyone’s managing to stay warm.
Lisa x
In 2018 Lisa took up the challenge of getting fit to do the 10km Kaikoura Whale Run. That ticked off, she has agreed to continue writing. And hopes that she can inspire even the most stubborn (such as herself) to get out there, and set challenges for yourself.
Check in next Tuesday for her next article.
Read Lisa’s last article here:
All her previous articles are stored here: