The Week In Review is a collection of both what I’ve put on my websites and what I’ve enjoyed reading from other sites. Posts in the Past Week:
- Monday: Mike’s Middle Distance Magic: POWERRR!! & Book of the Month July – Never, Ever Give Up?: A memoir
- Tuesday: Lisa’s Journey, Week 57: 1/2 Way… & UltraHumps: 3 x Challenges Updates…
- Wednesday: Wednesday Windtrainer Workout: What Can Runners Teach Cyclists? & How to Incorporate BOOST Training Into Your Cycle Training
- Thursday: Clatters Chatter: Nutrition Update
- Friday: Friday Fartlek Run: 2x 3min, 4x 1:30min, 6x 45sec
- Saturday: Saturday Swim Session: Broken 800’s
- Sunday: Chef Ray: Salmon Taco with Cucumber Cream & Tour de France: Stage 1 Brussels to Brussels
Interesting Posts I Read This Week:
- Caley Fretz Dimension Data managers clash over Cavendish’s absence from the Tour
- James Huang Tubeless tires gaining ground in road and TT stages at the Tour de France
- Phil Liggett The empty chair to my left
- DC Rainmaker Hands-on with Tekrapod: Openwater Swim Safety Device
- Susan Lacke She Was an Overtrained Pro. Now She’s an Overtraining Expert.
- Debbie Graham Lucy Charles-Barclay wins Challenge Roth
- Thorsten Radde Challenge Roth 2019 – Analyzing Results
New on
Faster Cycling Tour de France Challenge

As a member of Qwik Kiwi Coaching you have access to a range of plans that you can use in your schedule. Launched this week is the Faster Cycling Tour de France Challenge which is a programme designed to improve your FTP over the duration of the Tour de France. Actually there are 20 variations of the programme depending on your ability and capability so there is a programme for everyone.