The Week In Review is a collection of both what I’ve put on my websites and what I’ve enjoyed reading from other sites. Posts in the Past Week:
- Monday: Mike’s Middle Distance Magic: Deja Fu test week!
- Wednesday: Wednesday Windtrainer Workout: Frank Ovendon’s Sweet Spot Intervals
- Thursday: Clatters Chatter: Long Run Success
- Friday: Friday Fartlek Run: VO2 Max 12x 2min
- Saturday Saturday Swim Session: 200m For Success
- Sunday: Chef Ray: No-Bake Cheesecake
Interesting Posts I Read This Week:
- Caley Fretz The first man to run a sub-4-minute mile and finish the Tour de France
- Selene Yeager Here’s How Much Longer to Sleep If You Want to Get Faster
- Meredith Atwood Beginner’s Luck: Overcoming Self-Sabotage
- Sara McLarty Instabeat: Real-Time Heart Rate Display In Your Goggles
- Adam Young Never Swum In Open Water? Make It Happen This Weekend!
- Jonny Long Which team was fined the most at the Tour de France? And what was the most common fine?
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