Hi Blog Followers, and welcome to another blog after I took a short break for a holiday with my family, in this place with blistering heat lol, so where am I up to with training…

Love to hate this bad boy!
Over-pronation is a hindrance, but not an excuse to not train.

Well as you know I have four Challenges on the go, one of which I have decided to do a complete restart, which I’ll get into shortly, but to update the interest, the other three Challenges are on schedule and tracking well. The first being the crazy 1,000 km Run / Walk Challenge over a 6 month period, so far I am 3/4 of the way through with crossing the 750 km mark. Having an injured foot which simply isn’t coming right (over-pronation) means the majority of this beast is being conducted by clocking up the km’s with walking, on either the road or depending on the heat, on a treadmill (a love hate relationship has been adopted with this bad boy in the photo). Being on holiday didn’t stop this training. Sure I didn’t train as much as I should of, but I did train, and therefore kept up my distance towards this challenge.

Love to hate this bad boy also!

The second challenge is the Jacobs Ladder 7 Peaks Challenge of climbing 194,914 feet (or steps) on this bad boy. I smack out 5,000 each time I hit it. I couldn’t train on this beast whilst on holiday as I couldn’t find one whilst away, in saying that I didn’t look to hard, just chose to use the typical Hotel Gym equipment. So with this Challenge, I have 30,000 steps to go, or six sessions… job done! Better get cracking as I also have a late hate relationship with this bad boy in the photo.


The third challenge is the 12 Week Body For Life Challenge, which I have completed but I threw the results away, and have pushed the reset button on this one to restart on 1 August. I was doing fine, then I went on holiday lol… enough said, but I’m a stubborn git to restart and complete my goal (Coach Ray will be rolling his eyes back thinking – YUP!).

From here to NZ

The fourth Challenge is everyone’s Challenge that I am over here with, a small contingent, but one of the guys found out about an idea of travel the distance from our present location back to New Zealand. It’s a Challenge of thousands of Km’s, which I won’t complete as the duration from when we started the Challenge until I arrive back in NZ isn’t long enough, but it’s certainly a pleasure to add my training to their goal, and whilst on holiday I sent my results back when training was completed.

Jacobs Ladder 7 Peaks Challenge Finishers T-Shirt
1000 Km Challenge Finishers T-Shirt

Stay tuned team as my blogs will focus on other aspects of my training, but also keep you updated on my personal Challenges x 4, all in the name of two x free T-Shirts for the first two Challenges (1,000 Km Challenge & 7 Peaks Challenge). Regards John Humphries (Aka ULTRAHUMPS).

Humps will be writing weekly as he continues his journey raising funds for Charitable causes.

Read Humps article from last week here:

All his previous articles are stored here:


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