This week I needed to give my head a slight wobble come Monday morning. After two missed, KEY sessions Saturday and Sunday. You guessed it, the long bike and long run. I was really fed up with how things were going and give a quick text to Ray, honestly feeling shall I just call it a day and take up another sport!
Ray quickly messaged back and arranged a skype call the following day! Pretty unbelievable really considering he’s on the other side of the world and has many other athletes to train and look after. So to take the time out to talk to me at stupid o’clock (for Ray) and discuss my training I was really taken back and thought if Ray has the time for me, I need to make the time for him and myself to get my arse out and put in the training hours!
So all this was going through my head Sunday night before having the call with Ray on a Monday morning. At that time I had a good idea of what I needed to do and how I needed to do it. And to have that reinforced by Ray on the call was reassuring and helped me get the bug back and want to do the training. So on that note, let’s get training!
– Mike Catton
Mike is training for some triathlons and a half Ironman in 2019. Check in next Monday for his next article about his training journey.
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