Research shows that intervals with a range of intensities develop greater training benefits. This session has intervals at Level V initially before settling at Level IV to generate these benefits. This session is great for all cyclists including triathletes and mountain bikers.
Each Wednesday I’ll post a Windtrainer Workout that you can do in about 60 minutes to enhance your cycling. See a previous post about training intensity (Levels) to know how hard to work. If you are working directly with Coach Ray he will in most cases prescribe either a Power Zone or Heart Rate Zone to work within if you are training with these tools.
The inspiration for this session comes from last week’s workout:
VO2max Long Interval Sandwiches
- 10min WU Level II;
- 5x 30sec Level IV, 30sec Level I RI;
- 2min Level I RI;
- 6x
- 1min Level V,
- 1min Level IV,
- 1min Level V,
- 3min Level I RI;
- 10min CD Level I;
- 10min Stretching
Start the workout with a ten-minute Warm Up (WU) riding at Level II. Keep your cadence above 90Rpm for the warm-up.
The first set is designed to increase your Heart Rate (HR) and to act as a stepping stone from the Warm Up into the Main Set. Complete five reps, of 30-second duration at Level IV (be aware that if you are measuring intensity by Heart Rate (HR), the Heart Rate (HR) won’t have enough time to raise up into your Level IV zone in those 30 seconds). Take a 30-second Rest Interval (RI) by continuing to ride at Level I between reps.
The main body of the workout is made up of six reps. Each rep is three minutes long and starts with 60 seconds of riding at Level V, before settling into Level IV for the next minute, before finishing the final minute back at Level V. Take a three-minute Rest Interval (RI) at Level I prior to the next rep.
Conclude the intervals with ten minutes of riding at Level II for your Cool Down (CD).
Finish with ten minutes of stretching to assist with your recovery.
If you would like further advice feel free to contact me.
I am the Head Coach & Director of Qwik Kiwi – Endurance Sports Consultant.
I specialise in assisting first-timers and recreational athletes to achieve their sporting goals. I can be contacted at and 021 348 729. Make sure you sign up for my informative newsletter.
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Download the Garmin (.FIT) and Zwift (.ZWO) files for this workout for FREE
If you enjoyed this workout, here is a similar session I published previously.
Get my great e-Book that is packed full of my most popular cycling workouts from 2020 for only $7 (save $20), normally this is $27.

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