Com Games Gold medalist & Olympic Bronze medalist, Cameron McEvoy has swum some tough sets during his career, over the next few weeks I’m going expose you to a number of his toughest training sets (and variations for mere mortals).
Each Saturday I will post a Swim Session, most weeks I will load three options up for you to do. Option A is for swimmers who are after a workout between 1,000 & 2,000 metres. Option B is for swimmers who are after a workout between 2,000 & 3,000m and Option C will be greater than 3,000m.
The inspiration for today’s workout comes from an article by Olivier Poirier-Leroy at, you can read the full article here.
- 8x 50m (MAX – dive start) @ 2min
- 36x 150m (12x @ 1:55, 12x @1:50, 12x @1:45)
The Main Sets start with a set of eight, 50m reps. These are done from a dive start every two minutes and swim at a max effort to build up the lactic acid levels.
The second set is 36 reps of 150m. The first twelve reps are done starting every 1:55. The second twelve on 1:50 and then the final twelve on 1:45!!!
If you would like further advice feel free to contact me.
I am the Head Coach & Director of Qwik Kiwi Coaching.
I specialise in assisting first-timers and recreational athletes to achieve their sporting goals. I can be contacted at and 021 348 729.
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If you enjoyed this workout, here is a similar session I published 12 months ago.

I’ve recently launched a new swim training plan that will improve your swimming. If your goal this year involves swimming faster with limited time to train. Complete the form below and get more information about this great plan.