When you’ve got limited time to train this workout is a great way to maximise your training with the time available. It contains some steady efforts and some higher intensity efforts to give some great fitness gains. Although designed for use with a Stryd Power Meter it can also be effectively done without one.

Stryd’s Half Hour Hustle
The first set is s single rep of ten minutes running at Level III followed by two minutes jogging at Level I.
Follow this with two minutes at Level IV. If using a power meter this will be right at your Critical Power.
The final set is made up of four, 30-second reps above your Level IV effort, this is equivalent to your effort for a 5km event. Take a 30-second Rest Interval (RI) jogging at Level I after each rep.
Here is my data having done this workout:

Download the Garmin (.FIT) and Zwift (.ZWO) files for this workout for FREE

Get my Stryd 8 Weeks to a Faster 10km Training Plan with 25% off
This 8 week programme will take you through challenging sessions that will build your fitness and speed in order to run 10km faster at the end of the programme.
Designed for an intermediate runner aiming to run their 10km in the range of 35 – 50min. The primary goal of this training plan is to prepare you to RUN FASTER.
8 weeks long this programme can start anytime, this plan progresses through phases to build you to your peak performance. Each week includes 4 runs as well as a flexibility session. This programme includes a 10km time trial in the 9th week so you can see how much you have improved. Although not necessary, This programme is set up to use a running Power meter such as a Stryd to measure your intensity whilst running.
When purchasing, use the discount code “web25” to claim your 25% discount.
Prior to using this plan, you should be able to run comfortably for 90 minutes.
Purchase of this plan gives you access to my fortnightly coaching calls where you can ask me any training or racing related questions.
When purchasing, use the discount code “web25” to claim your 25% discount.