In 4 weeks time when you run 4km, you will have accomplished something very special. Designed for Beginner runners who are looking to get started and improve their fitness to run 4km, the primary goal of this training plan is to get you STARTED.

Crafted by myself, Ray Boardman PGDipSportsMed, PGDipRehab, PGCertSc (Exercise Science), BSc (Anatomy), DipSportsStudies this plan encapsulates my passion for the sport, my experience from completing dozens of Half and Full marathon distance finishes and my success coaching hundreds of runner, specialising with beginners and recreational athletes.
This programme lasts for 4 weeks and can be started at any time and reused. Each week you will be challenged to run a little further with in run/walk sessions. Within these sessions you will start with walking and insert a little bit of running, and will progress to the point of running with a little walking. Although not necessary, we recommend using a heart rate monitor in conjunction with a GPS watch (such as a Garmin).
Prior to using this plan, you should be able to walk for 20min and jog for 30 seconds or so without pain.
I’m one of the very few people to stand behind their Training Plans on Training Peaks. I offer a Money Back Guarantee with all my training plans. If you are not happy with the programme for whatever reason touch base with me and I’ll make it right. If I can’t make it right (like you think my nose is crooked or my eyes funny) I’ll give you your money back.
Purchase of this plan gives you access to my fortnightly coaching calls where you can ask myself any training or racing related questions.
Further details can be found here:
Questions? Please visit us on the web at or email myself directly at:

What comes next? I also have training plans for 5km/10km running events as well as half and full marathons and triathlons. Challenge yourself to set a higher goal once you’ve managed to run 4km.