Sunday Smart-Trainer Session – Tyler’s FTP Power Surge

Prepare to amplify your Functional Threshold Power (FTP) level! This high-intensity workout is designed to pull out your best. Let’s do this! This is a great workout for all cyclists to do when short on time and want to improve their Functional Threshold Power (FTP).

Each Sunday, I’ll post a Smart-Trainer Session that you can do in about 60 minutes to enhance your cycling. See a previous post about training intensity (Levels) to know how hard to work. If you are working directly with Coach Ray, he will, in most cases, prescribe either a Power Zone or Heart Rate Zone to work within if you are training with these tools.

Recently Cam from Training Tilt released a new feature within his Training Tilt coaching platform. This new feature was an AI tool called Tyler to help plan and prepare workouts. If you are a coach, check out Training Tilt and the capability of Tyler. Within hours of it being released, I had a play with it to generate different workouts. I kept the parameters the same and adjusted one of the input variables. I changed the Tone from Chilled to Professional, to Motivational, to Serious, to Hardcore or Obsessed to create a series of workouts. This workout was generated with the Motivational setting. Once Tyler had generated the workout I checked it over and made some adjustments (Cam is very clear that it is still experimental) to ensure the workout fitted the duration and zones that I wanted and this is the result.

FTP Power Surge

  • 10min WU Level II;
  • 2x 5min Level V, 2min Level II RI;
  • 8min Level III;
  • 10min CD Level II;
  • 10min Stretching

The warm-up (WU) should be done at an intensity that is steady but not over-consuming at Level II, riding for ten minutes.

The main set includes two reps of five minutes duration at Level V with only two minutes at Level II for your Rest Interval (RI). This is then followed by eight minutes of riding at Level III.

Conclude the ride with a Cool Down (CD) of ten minutes riding at Level II.

Finish with ten minutes of stretching to assist with the recovery.

Here is my data when I did this workout:

If you would like further advice feel free to contact me.

I am the Head Coach and Director of Qwik Kiwi – Endurance Sports Consultant.

I specialise in assisting first-timers and recreational athletes to achieve their sporting goals. I can be contacted at coachray@coachray.nz and 021 348 729.

Get My Cyber Monday Promotion Early and Boost YOUR FTP to over 300 Watts

Do you want an FTP of 300 Watts? 

How great would that feel?

My Cyber Monday Special is my Project 300, a dedicated training plan to assist you achieve an FTP of 300 Watts in 10 weeks time.

If you don’t get an FTP of 300 Watts in the 10 weeks, I’ll train you for FREE until you do.

Project 300 isn’t for everyone – you need to cycle regularly with a FTP of at least 275 Watts to be accepted. However if your FTP is above 265 Watts I will accept you into a 20 week variant of Project 300.

Normally coaching is $149 / week, but for Project 300 I’m going to do that for only $69.90 / week !!! Saving you $791 on coaching over the 10 weeks.

Further to this I am going to include a membership to Velocity for FREE saving you a further $59 per month.

If you want your FTP to increase above 300 Watts JOIN NOW.

If you want to save over $900 whilst boosting your FTP act today, this special is only available for Cyber Monday. Act now to take advantage of this great special.

This programme starts Monday 4th December, with an FTP ramp test.

To save over $900 and get an FTP of 300 Watts for only $69.90 per week join now:


Do this workout with the Qwik Kiwi Squad Today

Do this workout today with the Squad.


Sign up for a full 14-day FREE trial and get complete access to ALL On Demand and Replay workouts (as well as the opportunity to join in on Live workouts when they are being held).

Simple as 1, 2, 3

  1. Click this link and enter your details including FTP and weight (no cheating).
  2. Select “Full Access Membership” and search for & click on “Tyler’s FTP Power Surge” in the workout section, then “Start this Workout.
  3. Connect your trainer, power meter, and/or heart rate monitor (make sure they are disconnected from your trainer app, Zwift, Rouvey, etc… first), then come ride with us.


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Download the Garmin (.FIT) and Zwift (.ZWO) files for this workout for FREE

Get the Zwift (.ZWO) & Garmin (.FIT) files for this workout

I’ll send you the Zwift (.ZWO) and Garmin (.FIT) files for this session.

    We respect your privacy. Unsubscribe at any time.

    Get my 16-week FTP Boost Training Plan with 25% off

    As you work your way through this training programme you’ll build your Functional Threshold Power (FTP). With regular FTP tests every 4 weeks you’ll be able to measure and see your progress.

    Designed for Intermediate cyclists and triathletes who have at least 16 weeks prior to their event. This plan is to prepare you to COMPETE  in YOUR event at a higher level than you previously have.

    Starting anytime, this plan progresses through phases to build you to your peak performance. Each week contains three cycle sessions that will boost your FTP. To follow this plan you will require a Power Meter. 

    When purchasing, use the discount code “web25” to claim your 25% discount.

    Prior to using this plan, you should be able to ride comfortably for 2 hours.

    Purchase of this plan gives you access to my fortnightly coaching calls where you can ask me any training or racing-related questions.

    When purchasing, use the discount code “web25” to claim your 25% discount.

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