Waikato Champion

Monday’s with Jessica [Ep 55]: Waikato 3,000m Champion

Yesterday was a key point in my running journey so far for me. I competed in the Waikato secondary schools athletics and was entered in the 3000m race. Usually I avoid running track events as they aren’t my strongest suit as I train off track and more for longer distances, but when it comes to anything under national athletics there isn’t anything else but the 3000m as the longest distance.

I went into the event well fuelled, off of my nutrition plan that I have been sticking to and putting my trust in even if I over think the amounts. I rested specifically and did all warm ups and procedures needed to be at my top form to run.

At this event the top 3 runners sometimes 4 are qualified to run at the next level of North Island champs in Palmerston North in the next coming weeks. Each year I usually haven’t thought of achieving this goal but when looking at my other competitors and my running performance I saw I had an opportunity to place and qualify.

Starting the race I made sure to know who were my competitors by talking to them and getting to know them, so I can relate there name to my known times I saw on their past races, I knew from here that I could get that 2nd-3rd place if I preformed the same as at the Thames Valley Champs.

When the race started I went out strong but did get stuck surrounded by lots of runners trying to settle into the inside lane, looking at my pace through the first 200m I was a bit shocked thinking I’ve gone out way to hard with these girls but that does seem to happen for most races at the start as everyone is getting comfortable.

I sat at 2nd place from my age group so I didn’t know how close anyone was behind me who I needed to worry about, as the race continued on slightly more, a couple runners started to drop off their pace and fall behind, as they went out too hard for their abilities. Not that they were going against me, but it then built off the front pack that seemed to progress around the track together.

The pace was still pushing and I was still comfortable but not ready to make any moves as I didn’t know how I would continue to feel, but as the race did continue onwards I noticed my front leader of my age group not much but pulling back and everyone’s paces easing off.

I considered how I felt and going along the back stretch with about 1km to go I took a gamble and over took the pack to go out leading, I continued to feel strong within my pace and started to believe that I could actually win if I kept it up and wanted it enough. So that’s what I did, changed my mindset to wanting it bad, and continued to hold my pace strong and not lay off, I started to pull from that front pack and held it around, pulling into the last 400m I knew I needed to hold.

And with 200m to go, just push with everything, and I did and I won, crossing the finish line and the Waikato Senior Girls 3,000m title a level of competition I’ve never done better than 6th in. As a moment it was something I will always be proud of, cutting 25seconds off my PB in such a short race, and qualifying for my first North Island champs with a win as well.

I’ve never felt so much combined happiness from everyone who was cheering me on and with me at the finish line. It was a moment where I knew the training I had put in really pays off. 

– Jessica Bray

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