The ability to cycle at a Threshold Intensity is a key determinant of cycling fitness. By enhancing your fitness whilst at Threshold Intensity by definition you will be a fitter, faster cyclist.
Designed for Intermediate cyclists and triathletes who are looking to enhance their ability to cycle at Threshold Intensity, you can use this programme as part of your base training to set you up prior to a specific Build phase or as the final 6 weeks prior to an event to maximise your fitness prior to it.
Crafted by myself, Ray Boardman PGDipSportsMed, PGDipRehab, PGCertSc (Exercise Science), BSc (Anatomy), DipSportsStudies this plan encapsulates my passion for the sport, my experience from completing dozens of cyclists and triathletes to sporting success.
Being 6 weeks in duration (you can start this programme any time and reuse it), this plan starts with a fitness test to determine your Threshold HR and also includes one in Week 6 so you can see your improvement. Each week contains a long ride, a higher-intensity session, and a steady ride. You will build up to a 3-and-a-half-hour ride. To successfully use this programme you need to be using a Heart Rate monitor to track your progress and measure your intensity.
Prior to using this plan, you should be able to cycle comfortably for two hours. I’m one of the very few people to stand behind their Training Plans on Training Peaks. I offer a Money back guarantee with all my training plans. If you are not happy with the programme for whatever reason touch base with me and I’ll make it right. If I can’t make it right (like you think my nose is crooked or my eyes funny) I’ll give you your money back.
Purchase of this plan gives you access to my fortnightly coaching calls where you can ask me any training or racing-related questions.
Further details can be found here: https://www.trainingpeaks.com/training-plans/cycling/road-cycling/tp-134256/threshold-cycling-training-plan-intermediate-6-week-plan-start-any-monday-reusab
Questions? Please visit us on the web at www.CoachRay.nz or email me directly at: coachray@coachray.nz
Training for another race distance? We also have training plans for various cycling and triathlon events, too.