Monday’s with Jessica [Ep 59]: PODIUM

This past 2 weeks of racing has by itself shown me what I can achieve through consistency and the love of running. I have raced both my Thames Valley Cross Country Champs going up against all the surrounding schools, before most recently racing at Waikato/Bay of Plenty Cross Country Champs, up against all the larger schools around including private schools like St Paul’s, and St Peter’s. Coming from a school with only 2 going to race each year on average I am definitely not one of the larger schools that attends.

Going into this race I knew I could do well looking at the field of runners and set a goal of top 10 as top 12 can be selected into relay teams in the up coming New Zealand Cross Country Champs. I felt good in my swim the day before in some stronger set repeats making me confident in my strength on my running.

Following a good warm up I started the race making it to the line just in time which I seem to be good at.

It started pretty quickly with lots of girls pushing hard in the first 100m but I sat where I was comfortable and making room available to move forward, the clear competition showed after the first 2 bends as I separated to the front in a pack of 4 with one girl already pulling herself forward ahead of us.

I knew not to challenge her and to focus on my current surroundings and to keep with this group I seemed to be with, I felt good and comfortable so I knew I was possible of having a good race and my top 10 goal was very clear in possibility.

Once another 500m or so passed me and one other girl I know had pulled ourselves away from the other 2 in the pack and we ran about 5 m apart keeping a constant pace pulling ourselves into clear podium positions if not challenged later in the race.

It was in this moment that I realised I had a chance of making it to the podium and receiving a medal for the first time in my life in cross country at this level of competition, running around the track I was clearly not a favourite as they couldn’t read out my name along with the ones ahead and behind me until they worked it out against my number about 1500m into the race.

I kept pushing, putting trust into my body and what it can do, and this allowed me to stay not too far from 2nd the whole way around, and make sure my podium spot was secure. Jumping over the final jump and heading into the final stretch of the race I felt the accomplishment start to set in and a smile drew itself across my face and stayed for the rest of the race.

Passing that finish line was a goal smashed and a new mindset made. I now know how important staying consistent and focusing on my training completely was important, I fuelled properly, rested adequately and had no distractions, leaving me with a solid 12-15 weeks of complete training backing me up.

Next up I have my New Zealand Championships race held in Christchurch where I now have made a goal to complete the run in the top 30 with around 130 runners competing, so I guess we will see what more I have left in me and see if I can finish my school cross country’s off strong leading into University. 

– Jessica Bray

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