Monday’s with Jessica [Ep 61]: Half Marathon Training

This week was the first offical week into my half marathon training program towards the Auckland half on October 3rd. Giving me three months to train specifically, and to get myself to the best I can in the time provided. I’m certain through my training program with Ray I will achieve this to my optimum.

Training for half marathons is definitely going to be different to my usual running splits but I’m excited for it, upping the distance and tempo is something I have always wanted to push towards, and doing so will prove to me just how much I love it.

This week coming back into my 2 hour long runs, I woke up slightly later than anticipated right when I planned to start at 5:50am this was a moment I could have excused myself to change my trainings to another day but not only would that not benefit me in the coming days physically having more on in a day, it also would mentally knowing how easily I could let something slide from my own misdoing.

Instead I still got myself up, got ready and ran slightly later from 6:25, meaning I would be done at 8:25am to be at school around 9. Although the time was reduced once I started running I didn’t regret it, to date it was one of the best long runs I had completed. Doing so with just my thoughts and gels to keep me energised, the run felt strong and I enjoyed all of it.

Running is a time for me to release my emotions no matter what they are, a time to reflect and spend time with myself in a way where I can see what I am truely capable of without giving up. If I told myself a year ago today I now ran 24.8km for a long run before school on a Friday leading into a full football game and 2 cycles I wouldn’t have believed I would be feeling as well as I do.

Football is nearing the end of the season along with hockey but as they still lead on I am balancing the training to games to keep consistent and healthy. I’m loving every step that I take through my running journey and how much I have been able to accomplish within it, can’t wait to see how much further I can push in these next few training months leading to the next goal race!

– Jessica Bray

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