Football Tournament

Monday’s with Jessica [Ep 63]: Football Tournament

With the more I gain fitness I have been able to see an improvement in my everyday life, in both sporting and daily processes. If I think back to before I transitioned into a running focus and even at the start my fitness was lower than it is now, and I was less capable of running longer, faster and more efficient, compared to now, my two hour runs are always doable, in the fact of completing its just how comfortable it may be done.

This week, Thursday, I had a football tournament that consisted of four, forty-minute games. So equivalent to two whole games. Being the player who has fitness, has played for many years and is the captain I ended up playing the whole games, as well as before the tournament I completed my training of a two hour run.

Having my fitness, I’ve seen an increase in how well my body is able to process through lactic acid and the delayed onset of fatigue in my muscles, by the end of the day I was feeling it but way after I would have if I didn’t have the fitness.

This also follows along with how when I recover my body has increased and optimised its recovery rate, leaving me to recover much quicker. With my training having a lot of back to back days, and many intensities it sets me up to perform my best in these types of situations. Football is a sport I would say is my second to my training, it’s a sport I have confidence in and lets me express myself, with the support of my fitness letting me achieve better.

Seeing how well my body has been at recovery is so fascinating to me and I’m excited to see how much better it can get from here even. 

– Jessica Bray

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