Monday’s with Jessica [Ep 80]: New for 2025

There are currently 7 days until my life begins its journey of change. Even so these last 7 days are filled with everything plus more. But with getting everything organised I have managed to finally get my bike roadworthy again with new tires and new gear to set up for a more efficient way of training both on the wind trainer and on the road. With the sun being out and perfect weather I have been eager to get myself off of my deck for 2.5 hours every sunday.

This past Sunday I finally did!

And the weather couldn’t have been better, being a Sunday morning the roads were already quiet and the wind was low. Time flew by faster than it ever has on a wind trainer and I surprised myself with my speed and distance I covered showing the strength and efficiency improvement I have gained throughout the time of my training through winter indoors.

Although I went into training with Ray with no road biking experience and never rode much in general. I now say I enjoy riding and would keep it as a cross training forever, as I enjoy it as just a growth in itself. Although, I have a never ending passion for running I know I couldn’t everyday if I wanted to keep the fire going for a long time.

Over training is something I fear and wish to avoid and being able to have variation is key always having something new each day. Even if it’s the distance, length or intensity they are given.

By moving locations is going to take some adjusting especially to find my new normal running and cycling spot even to find a pool to become a member with now I will no longer have the perks of being a lifeguard where I swim.

One thing I’m looking forward to is the plan of racing I have booked myself for this year, building through from a 3,000m to 10km and then racing at multiple half marathons including the National championships held in Wellington in June this year.

I’m excited to keep testing myself and where my sweet spot is with training and study to succeed and reach my goals with this year being just a step in the right direction. 

– Jessica Bray

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