Fartlek Workout

Friday Fartlek Run: 6x 200m + 3x 1,000m + 3x 400m

This session is a great session to sharpen you up to run a fast 5km or 10km race. Perfectly placed 4-6 weeks prior to your event.

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Periodisation of Training: Weekly Periodisation Part 2

This is the second part of the article on Weekly Periodisation: the first can be found here. Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4…

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Periodisation of Training: Weekly Periodisation Part 1

Periodisation is a term used by coaches and sports scientists alike to describe the concept of varying training load and/or stimulus to maximise the benefits…

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Fartlek Workout

Friday Fartlek Run: Moller’s 2-Milers

This session provides you with a great Tempo run and was a favourite of Lorraine Moller’s. I remember being inspired by her as I watched her run…

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Rest and Recovery: How to Recover from Racing and Training Better

Does your training and racing leave you tired and shattered? Want to get back up and going quicker after events or training sessions?

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Wednesday Windtrainer Workout

Wednesday Wind Trainer Workout: 1-2-3-4-3-2-1min Pyramid VO2 Intervals

This session will enhance your VO2 max or how much oxygen your body can consume at its maximum effort.

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