Best of the Internet for Endurance Athletes: 31 July 16

Each Sunday I’ll post my ‘best of’ list in a number of categories from the inter-webs. Other weeks can be found here.

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Tri Training NZ

Saturday Swim Session: Individual Medley Set to Improve Your Triathlon

Individual Medley (IM) sets are often ignored and/or underutilised by triathletes, but they provide some truly great benefits to both recreational and competitive triathletes. They…

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Spring Challenge Training

How to Plan an Adventurous Training Session for Spring Challenge

Earlier this week I wrote an article that has been very well received about my Top 3 Training Locations in Takaka for the Spring Challenge.…

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Wednesday Windtrainer Session: Increasing Cadence

This workout is a great recovery session, but it also enhances your pedalling technique and develops your neuromuscular system.

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MtB Coaching NZ

Top 3 Spring Challenge Training Activities in Takaka

So, what are the Top 3 Spring Challenge training activities in Takaka and why? Okay, so these things are not purely in Takaka, but they…

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Best of the Internet for Endurance Athletes: 24 July 16

Each Sunday I’ll post my ‘best of’ list in a number of categories from the inter-webs. Other weeks can be found here.

View More Best of the Internet for Endurance Athletes: 24 July 16