Tri Training NZ

Saturday Swim Session: 50’s and more 50’s

These sessions will develop your aerobic swimming endurance by completing a large number of short reps with minimal rest. This will assist with building a…

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Tri Coaching NZ

Wednesday Windtrainer Session: 5x 3min Hill Reps

This session is a great way to develop your strength and climbing power, making you stronger and more efficient when racing on the flat.

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Best of the Internet for Endurance Athletes: 17 July 16

Each Sunday I’ll post my ‘best of’ list in a number of categories from the inter-webs. Other weeks can be found here.

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Tri Training NZ

Wednesday Windtrainer Workout: VO2 Max & Threshold Intervals

This session is a great way to develop your top-end speed and power, as well as work on your sustained pace. 

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