Tri Coaching NZ

Friday Fartlek Session: Sisyphus Session

This session is a great way to enhance your power and leg strength from running 5kms through to the half marathon. Sisyphus was a greedy and deceitful Greek…

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IronMaori triathlon catching on as path to fitness

The IronMaori way of life is taking hold across the region, with more people than ever getting involved. About 650 competitors turned up on Saturday…

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Ironman Training NZ

June Client of the Month: John Humphries

After finishing the hardest endurance event of my life of Ultraman Australia, a total of 515 km, of swimming 10 km, cycling 420 km, and running 84.3 km, with Coach Ray beside me every step of the way, either in the support vehicle, running beside me, or pacing up and down the beach, while I completed the swim with my 12-year-old safety paddler Lily, I knew I wanted to write an article about my journey with Qwik Kiwi, not just to thank Ray Boardman and his athletes who supported my journey all the way, but to possibly encourage others who are seeking a Coach and to tell them about my journey with Qwik Kiwi.

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Windtrainer Session

Wednesday Windtrainer Workout: Russian Sprints

This session is a great way to develop your anaerobic capacity and top-end speed. It is perfect for road cyclists and mountain bikers.

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Maori lives are being transformed thanks to the work of IronMaori and Ironman NZ

Heather and Wayne Skipworth started IronMaori several years ago to help promote healthy lifestyles in Maori and Pacific Islanders.

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IronMaori inspires Dave to make the most of life

Dave Makea had to borrow a bike from his brother when he first entered Iron Maori. Five years later, 40kg lighter and armed with a…

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