Ultra Humps – The Big Hairy Arse Goal (BHAG)

Previous articles have advised why I chose Ray Boardman as the Coach I wanted.  A Coach to help me achieve my dreams and achieve my personal tests…

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New Zealand’s Newest Marathon Course – Taupo, NZ

These are words that I used to pay lip service to, but eventually, they rang true.  I have written previous articles about completing an Ironman or completing a Half Marathon, etc with varying results.  It wasn’t until I was completely disappointed with myself and my results from the Ironman NZ 2013 that I decided to get a Coach.  My selection was simple.  It was Ray Boardman from Qwik Kiwi, not just because I knew him as a Physical Training Instructor in the New Zealand Army, but because I saw him on the course that day supporting his clients and noted that he stayed out there to provide encouragement when I was struggling.

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John Humphries

Qwik Kiwi & Ray Boardman Get Results – Ironman 2015

Firstly, Ray Boardman hasn’t asked me for an article on how my first Ironman went under his guidance as a Client / Coach.  However, I wanted to write an article to acknowledge the results he gets, most likely results not just for myself but for all his clients that he gives 100% commitment.

View More Qwik Kiwi & Ray Boardman Get Results – Ironman 2015