John Humphries

Qwik Kiwi & Ray Boardman Get Results – Ironman 2015

Firstly, Ray Boardman hasn’t asked me for an article on how my first Ironman went under his guidance as a Client / Coach.  However, I wanted to write an article to acknowledge the results he gets, most likely results not just for myself but for all his clients that he gives 100% commitment.

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From Timor to Tauranga

I was posted to Timor-Leste with the NZ Army and had completed three Ironman events where I completely self-coached with no idea what I was doing and finishing results that said as much.  Two of these events I had trained and competed in whilst on holiday leave from Timor.  I quickly realised that if I wanted to be committed to the sport that had changed my life around, I needed to take it seriously and sign up with a coach.  There are plenty of coaches to look for online or cheekily obtain a training programme online, but I had already made up my mind that Ray Boardman was the coach I wanted from Qwik Kiwi.

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