Monday’s with Jessica [Ep 81]: Moving to Dunedin

My trip is underway, with the first of four days of travel done I have officially moved out of home, finished my job, and started Uni in less than one week. The changes are daunting but they are now bound to occur, I have organised and planned this week for months leading up to it, hoping that all sails smoothly.

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Monday’s with Jessica [Ep 80]: New for 2025

There are currently 7 days until my life begins its journey of change. Even so these last 7 days are filled with everything plus more. But with…

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Monday’s with Jessica [Ep 79]: Volleyball in Australia

One week into 2025 and another year to work towards my large goals with a lot of new changes, at the end of 2024 I was lucky enough to get to opportunity to compete in a volleyball tournament on the Gold Coast of Australia, held immediately after my Nationals in Timaru.

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Monday’s with Jessica [Ep 78]: Road Race Success

Where do I even begin with this race, finishing off my running as a secondary school student, this was the bang I needed, following my PB two days prior on the track I had recovered, refueled, rested and focused onto this event being the one I have competed in for the many years prior with the hopes to continue improving in the years like this one.

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Monday’s with Jessica [Ep 77]: 3,000m Track Race

The 3,000m track race was my first of the two events I competed in at the New Zealand Secondary Schools Athletics and Road Race Championships this year in Timaru. We travelled down on the Thursday morning to allow lots of time to get used to the environment and settle into where I will be staying for the week. I got the chance to get a shake out run in and a few warm up laps on the track to shake the nerves.

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Monday’s with Jessica [Ep 76]: Lead Up To National Secondary School Athletic Champs

This past weekend has been a dream come true and a milestone to prove that all the hard work I’ve been putting in for the past 10 months especially. Everyday with not one training missed, in the rain, wind, heat, freezing temperatures, early rises and double training days to fit it all in. Every single sacrifice is showing to be worth it.

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Monday’s with Jessica [Ep 75]: Illness

This week was a hurdle of a week, being the week before my nationals race I woke up Monday morning feeling more sick than I have in years. Somehow I pushed through working all morning but as soon as I got home I was bound to my bed and unable to walk without falling dizzy and nauseous. Even when I thought I was feeling slightly better I vomited four times for the first time in years securing the fact I wasn’t just feeling sick but had caught some sort of virus or food poisoning.

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Monday’s with Jessica [Ep 74]: Life Milestones

This week was a week of milestones for me, as well as it being the first full week at full swing towards my races in Timaru now less than 3 weeks away, I also hit some personal goals outside of my running. On Wednesday I had my final school exam. This means I will never have to sit another school exam or study for one in better terms. As well as that, I finished off my final extra internal assessment achieving my excellence endorsement and being the first of my year group and maybe the only to do so.

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Monday’s with Jessica [Ep 73]: Recovery Week

Monday’s with Jessica [Ep 73]: Recovery Week

It’s already been a week since race day and what a race I have been getting to reflect on! Receiving the race photos earlier this week let me recapture the moments of the race I would have forgotten about, and put an image to remember them too.

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Auckland Half Marathon

Monday’s with Jessica [Ep 72]: Auckland Half Marathon

My race recap- the day finally came, the Auckland Half Marathon just like that is finished. The training up to this event has been eye opening in just what I love and want to achieve, but also what I can achieve, being so much more than I ever thought. I stayed with my Mum at the same place as last year when I competed in the 11km, but this year by the 11km point i was already at a faster pace than a year ago.

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