Tri Swim Coach

Enhance Your Technique with This Drill Sequence

This is the fifth session as we build your fitness to a new 1,500m PB. Start with the first session and then work through doing each session…

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Swim 300m Reps to Develop Your Stamina

This is the fourth session as we build your fitness to a new 1,500m PB. Start with the first session and then work through the second session and then…

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Tri Swim Coach

200’s to Enhance Your Threshold Speed

This is the third session as we build your fitness to a new 1,500m PB. Start with the first session and then work through the next session after three…

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Tri Training NZ

3 Little Pigs

The 3 little pigs is a children’s story about how 3 little pigs work together to be better than the big bad wolf. Independently the big bad wolf has it over them.
In the same way that the 3 little pigs work together, your cycle sessions each week need to work together to develop your overall fitness, so that the big bad wolf doesn’t huff and puff.

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Periodisation of Training: Weekly Periodisation Part 2

This is the second part of the article on Weekly Periodisation: the first can be found here. Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4…

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Periodisation of Training: Weekly Periodisation Part 1

Periodisation is a term used by coaches and sports scientists alike to describe the concept of varying training load and/or stimulus to maximise the benefits…

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Rest and Recovery: How to Recover from Racing and Training Better

Does your training and racing leave you tired and shattered? Want to get back up and going quicker after events or training sessions?

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