Okay, so this week regarding specific training, my ‘Training Peaks wheel’ looks like a giant stop sign!! Or for those of you with a sweet…
View More Lisa’s Journey, Week 49: Do What Makes You Happy!Tag: Lisa Harris
Lisa’s Journey, Week 48: Tuning Into Nature
The kids, dog and I decided to take an ANZAC day bush walk. It was such a beautiful day and I enjoyed walking the track…
View More Lisa’s Journey, Week 48: Tuning Into NatureLisa’s Journey, Week 46: Holiday Time!
Wooohoo, last day of Term One! I love that feeling. I actually delete the alarm off my phone – not sure why, as you can…
View More Lisa’s Journey, Week 46: Holiday Time!Lisa’s Journey, Week 45: Caught Out…!
It’s been a bit of a lax week this week with my training and one thing and another. My luck with the weather is normally…
View More Lisa’s Journey, Week 45: Caught Out…!Lisa’s Journey, Week 44: 2019 Forrest Graperide #15
So as I sit here, sweat crustifying on my face, my butt muscles tightening, devouring the most delicious steak, slaw, ciabatta roll from Viva La Vaga, sipping my CPR coffee, post ride, I thought I’d better quickly jot something down for my blog. The Forrest GrapeRide 2019, one of Marlborough’s biggest and longest running bike events – now having been I don’t doubt that!
Lisa’s Journey, Week 42: The Big Picture/s = (Less Writing)
I’m using my first blog’s cover image, as it seemed fitting again. It’s bitter sweet. On one hand, huge congratulations to the Kaikoura Coastal Sports…
View More Lisa’s Journey, Week 42: The Big Picture/s = (Less Writing)Lisa’s Journey, Week 41: Is The Grass Greener On The Other Side…?
I promised myself I’d have a better week this week. I’d really get stuck in and make my ‘Training Peaks (TP) pie graph nice and green. Turn of events is seeming like this may not happen. I try not to let it get to me, but it is super frustrating, especially when you know you have an event coming up, but sometimes that’s just life.
View More Lisa’s Journey, Week 41: Is The Grass Greener On The Other Side…?Lisa’s Journey, Week 40: My 40th (Week), Feels Like I Should Have Cake & A Party…
40 weeks, 280 days, approximately nine months since starting this blog and journey. I can’t say this blog gets any easier to write, but the journey does somewhat. My only hope is someone reads it and if they haven’t started their journey that they do. You… do!!
View More Lisa’s Journey, Week 40: My 40th (Week), Feels Like I Should Have Cake & A Party…Lisa’s Journey, Week 38: Ray to the Rescue!
This week was much the same as the last… you know, I go for my ride and if I remember, I get a photo for the blog, it’s enjoyable to be out as I like biking more than running. But have found myself fantasising about running, while I’m biking. I guess it’s because I can’t!
View More Lisa’s Journey, Week 38: Ray to the Rescue!Lisa’s Journey, Week 35: Always look on the bright side…
Ok so the week started off pretty reasonable. We made it to seven years married – ‘air fist pump’ haha! And I even got gorgeous…
View More Lisa’s Journey, Week 35: Always look on the bright side…