Peter Elliott liked to run this session in the week before a major event. He would use it as a sharpening session. Peter had a 1,500m PB of 3:32.69, 1 mile of 3:49.20 and 800m of 1:42.97. He won silver in the 1,500m at the 1988 Seoul Olympics and gold at the 1990 Auckland Commonwealth Games in the 1,500m. This session is great for runners up to 5km, as well as triathletes.
View More Friday Fartlek Run – Peter Elliott’s Killer Session #2Tag: Peter Elliott
Friday Fartlek Run: Peter Elliott’s Killer Session #1
Peter Elliott liked to run this session four times during the winter to test himself and see how his fitness was developing. He reported that a sponsor once came to the track to observe this session and at the end of it whilst Peter was sprawled on the track with lactic acid in his blood stream, the sponsor tried calling an ambulance for him!!!! Peter had a 1,500m PB of 3:32.69, 1 mile of 3:49.20 and 800m of 1:42.97. He won silver in the 1,500m at the 1988 Seoul Olympics and gold at the 1990 Auckland Commonwealth Games in the 1,500m. This session is great for runners up to 5km, as well as triathletes.
View More Friday Fartlek Run: Peter Elliott’s Killer Session #1