The ability to swim at and maintain your threshold pace is a critical component of fitness for triathletes and long distance open water swimmers. This is a great session for triathletes and open water swimmers to do to build their sustained speed.
View More Saturday Swim Session: Building Speed With T-Time SessionsTag: Saturday Swim Session
Saturday Swim Session: Alternate T-Times
This session is a great tool to determine your current level of fitness and use as a benchmark for planning of future training sessions. This is an alternate method for determining it, really great if you have limited time for this workout. I use the main version every four to six weeks with my athletes and this version for athletes starting out, or recommencing training after a good break.
View More Saturday Swim Session: Alternate T-TimesSaturday Swim Session: Triathlon Plus’s Threshold Workout
The ability to swim at and maintain your threshold pace is a critical component of fitness for triathletes and long distance open water swimmers. This is a great session for triathletes and open water swimmers to do to build their top end speed.The ability to swim at and maintain your threshold pace is a critical component of fitness for triathletes and long distance open water swimmers. This is a great session for triathletes and open water swimmers to do to build their top end speed.
View More Saturday Swim Session: Triathlon Plus’s Threshold WorkoutSaturday Swim Session: Triathlon Plus’s Endurance Workout
Endurance is a critical component of fitness for triathletes and long distance open water swimmers. Completing a number of consistent, steady reps will help build this endurance. This is a great session for triathletes and open water swimmers to do to build their top end speed.
View More Saturday Swim Session: Triathlon Plus’s Endurance WorkoutSaturday Swim Session: Strong 200s
This session builds the distance of each set and also builds the speed into the session, culminating with your fastest paces at the end of the session. This session is great for swimmers and triathletes preparing for longer, open water swims.
View More Saturday Swim Session: Strong 200s Saturday Swim Session: BOOM
for Mortals
Spending a large amount of time swimming at or near your threshold pace and mixing in a bit of faster (or slower) swimming will develop not only your ability to sustain pace, but also give your VO2 max a boost. This session is great for swimmers and triathletes preparing for longer, open water swims.
View More Saturday Swim Session: BOOMSaturday Swim Session: Millions of Hundreds, Hundreds of Free for Mortals
Spending a large amount of time swimming at or near your threshold pace and mixing in a bit of faster (or slower) swimming will develop not only your ability to sustain pace, but also give your VO2 max a boost. This session is great for swimmers and triathletes preparing for longer, open water swims.
View More Saturday Swim Session: Millions of Hundreds, Hundreds of Free for MortalsSaturday Swim Session: Millions of Hundreds, Hundreds of Free
Spending a large amount of time swimming at or near your threshold pace and mixing in a bit of faster (or slower) swimming will develop not only your ability to sustain pace, but also give your VO2 max a boost. This session is great for swimmers and triathletes preparing for longer, open water swims.
View More Saturday Swim Session: Millions of Hundreds, Hundreds of FreeSaturday Swim Session: Yuri’s Broken Set For Mortals
Katie Ledecky dominated female distance swimming setting the World Record in the 400m, 800m and 1,500m Freestyle, and won five Olympic Gold Medals and 15 World Championships, more than any other female swimmer. This session was a staple leading into major championship events, and will benefit any triathlete or open water swimmer.
View More Saturday Swim Session: Yuri’s Broken Set For MortalsSaturday Swim Session: Yuri’s Broken Set
Katie Ledecky dominated female distance swimming setting the World Record in the 400m, 800m and 1,500m Freestyle, and won five Olympic Gold Medals and 15 World Championships, more than any other female swimmer. This session was a staple leading into major championship events, and will benefit any triathlete or open water swimmer.
View More Saturday Swim Session: Yuri’s Broken Set