Using a pull buoy can be like a double-edged sword; over reliance on it can make swimmers lazy, impacting their balance in the water and impacting on their ability to kick. However, inclusion in a training plan occasionally can be of benefit. Rehearsal of your Ironman Race Pace or as Brett Sutton calls Race Pace Groove (RPG) is essential for a solid Ironman Swim and allows you to gauge your progress. This session is good for triathletes especially those preparing for an Ironman, as well as open-water swimmers.
View More Saturday Swim Session – Sutton’s Ironman RPG ATag: Swim Smooth
Saturday Swim Session: 50’s for Stamina
Stamina can be built by swimming a large number of short reps with shorter reps. This session is good for triathletes, as well as open water swimmers.
View More Saturday Swim Session: 50’s for StaminaSaturday Swim Session: 200’s for Stamina
Stamina can be built by swimming longer reps with shorter reps. This session is good for triathletes, as well as open water swimmers.
View More Saturday Swim Session: 200’s for StaminaSaturday Swim Session: Hundreds for Success
Build your ability to maintain a high threshold pace by sets of 100m with short rests. This session is good for triathletes, as well as open water swimmers.
View More Saturday Swim Session: Hundreds for SuccessSaturday Swim Session: Alternate T-Times
This session is a great tool to determine your current level of fitness and use as a benchmark for planning of future training sessions. This is an alternate method for determining it, really great if you have limited time for this workout. I use the main version every four to six weeks with my athletes and this version for athletes starting out, or recommencing training after a good break.
View More Saturday Swim Session: Alternate T-TimesSaturday Swim Session: Gale Bernhardt’s Endurance 5 Workout
Endurance is a critical component of fitness for triathletes and long distance open water swimmers. This is a great session for triathletes and open water swimmers to do to build their top end speed.
View More Saturday Swim Session: Gale Bernhardt’s Endurance 5 WorkoutSwim 365
Are you a regular fitness swimmer?
Do you struggle to find inspiration for a swim workout?
Due to a request to put together a year long training programme for a group of swimmers, I’m now launching Swim 365 to everyone else.
It might be you take the lead for a group of friends who swim together. Maybe you plan the training for a local masters group. Maybe you swim by yourself and need some inspiration for some workouts each week.
Each session will develop all round swimming fitness by improving aerobic efficiency, Distance Per Stroke (DPS), swim speed, lactate tolerance and/or threshold pace.
Saturday Swim Session: 12 Days of Christmas
This is a fun wee session based around everyones favourite (or maybe least favourite) Christmas Carol. With a focus on short reps and inclusion of plenty of drills. This session is great for swimmers and triathletes preparing for longer, open water swims.
View More Saturday Swim Session: 12 Days of ChristmasTop 10 Gifts For Swimmers
Christmas is nearly here, if your loved ones are struggling for suggestions for a Christmas present for you pass this list of gifts on to them.
View More Top 10 Gifts For SwimmersSaturday Swim Session: Yuri’s Broken Set For Mortals
Katie Ledecky dominated female distance swimming setting the World Record in the 400m, 800m and 1,500m Freestyle, and won five Olympic Gold Medals and 15 World Championships, more than any other female swimmer. This session was a staple leading into major championship events, and will benefit any triathlete or open water swimmer.
View More Saturday Swim Session: Yuri’s Broken Set For Mortals