Saturday Swim Session: Swim Smooth’s Perfect Pyramid

This is a steady endurance building session. This session has been designed for swimmers and triathletes returning to the pool who are wanting to further develop their endurance.

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Tri Swim Coach

COVID-19: How to Swim Train When The Pools Are Closed

Currently here in New Zealand I’m reasonably isolated from the effects of COVID-19 with only 20 reported cases and my local pool is still open and operating. Unfortunately that isn’t the case for athletes all around the world I’m arranging Skype calls with my Northern Hemisphere triathletes and swimmers who I coach to put into place alternative plans for them. Here are my suggestions and recommendations for continuing to work on your swim fitness whilst your local pool is closed.

View More COVID-19: How to Swim Train When The Pools Are Closed
Tri Swim Coach

Thursday Training Plan: 4 Weeks to a FASTER 1,500m

The 4 Weeks to a FASTER 1,500m swim plan is one of my most popular swim plans. It has been designed for the triathlete targeting an Olympic distance triathlon but has very limited time to train. The original version involves two swims per week, and these swims are limited to 2km a session. If you have limited training time available, this is the training plan for you.

View More Thursday Training Plan: 4 Weeks to a FASTER 1,500m
Tri Swim Coach

Saturday Swim Session: The Threshold Set

Holding pace for a large number of reps, is always challenging and this session is no exception. You will reap the benefits of improved swimming threshold though, so the effort will be worth it. This session is perfect for Ironman and Olympic distance triathletes or people doing longer Ocean Swims.

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Tri Swim Coach

Saturday Swim Session: Build 400’s

Swimming longer reps with a short to moderate rest between will build your endurance. This session is perfect for Ironman and Olympic distance triathletes or people doing longer Ocean Swims.

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Tri Swim Coach

Saturday Swim Session: Broken 200’s To Help You Swim Faster

Broken 200’s are a great way of developing a swim set to build the aerobic capacity of longer reps but you can add a touch more intensity due to the short rests involved. This session is perfect for Ironman and Olympic distance triathletes or people doing longer ocean swims.

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Tri Swim Coach

Saturday Swim Session: 400’s To Develop Stamina

Using short rest intervals and longer reps forces the body’s aerobic energy system to be utilised for this session and as a result enhanced. This session is perfect for Ironman and Olympic distance triathletes or people doing longer ocean swims.

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Tri Swim Coach

Saturday Swim Session: 100’s Followed By Sprints

This session develops your your stamina but getting you to swim a number of shorter reps with minimal rest between them. This session is perfect for Ironman and Olympic distance triathletes or people doing longer ocean swims.

View More Saturday Swim Session: 100’s Followed By Sprints
Tri Swim Coach

Saturday Swim Session: Using Individual Medley Strokes to Improve Your Feel For The Water

Swimming strokes other than just Freestyle can benefit your feel for the water and develop your efficiency as a result. This session is perfect for Ironman and Olympic distance triathletes or people doing longer ocean swims.

View More Saturday Swim Session: Using Individual Medley Strokes to Improve Your Feel For The Water