Tempo is an intensity that means different things to different athletes and coaches. For me, I define Tempo as an effort comfortably below the Threshold pace. It is the sort of intensity that if you had to you could maintain for a duration longer than a half marathon. It is higher than the aerobic running pace, sort of in the mid-zone between the two levels. Spending more than 15-20 minutes at this intensity, helps the body practice clearing the small amount of lactic acid generated at this pace, without needing to slow down to do so. This is a perfect session for runners and triathletes running events up to full marathons and further.
View More Friday Fartlek Run: Garmin Recommended Tempo Run #5Tag: Tempo Run
Friday Fartlek Run: Gareth’s Reverse Tempo Run B
Running at maximum intensity for about an hour will be done at or just below your threshold pace. When an event is longer than this your race pace will be further below threshold at Tempo pace. The best way to prepare the body to handle this intensity is to spend time running at it. This workout is great to include early in your build-up to expose the body to a slightly higher intensity.
View More Friday Fartlek Run: Gareth’s Reverse Tempo Run BFriday Fartlek Run: Gareth’s Reverse Tempo Run A
Running at maximum intensity for about an hour will be done at or just below your threshold pace. When an event is longer than this your race pace will be further below threshold at Tempo pace. The best way to prepare the body to handle this intensity is to spend time running at it. This workout is great to include early in your build-up to expose the body to a slightly higher intensity.
View More Friday Fartlek Run: Gareth’s Reverse Tempo Run AFriday Fartlek Run: Run Threshold Tempo Builder by Tyler
Push your limits with this Threshold Tempo Builder workout, designed specifically for half marathon runners aiming to boost their Functional Threshold Pace (FTP). This workout includes a comprehensive warmup and cooldown, ensuring you are primed for the main set and recover well afterwards.
View More Friday Fartlek Run: Run Threshold Tempo Builder by TylerFriday Fartlek Run: Jamie’s Tempo Run Session C
Running at maximum intensity for about an hour will be done at or just below your threshold pace. When an event is longer than this your race pace will be further below threshold at Tempo pace. The best way to prepare the body to handle this intensity is to spend time running at it. This workout is great to include early in your build-up to expose the body to a slightly higher intensity.
View More Friday Fartlek Run: Jamie’s Tempo Run Session CFriday Fartlek Run: Kelly’s Tempo Run Session B
Running at maximum intensity for about an hour will be done at or just below your threshold pace. When an event is longer than this your race pace will be further below threshold at Tempo pace. The best way to prepare the body to handle this intensity is to spend time running at it. This workout is great to include early in your build-up to expose the body to a slightly higher intensity.
View More Friday Fartlek Run: Kelly’s Tempo Run Session BFriday Fartlek Run: Kelly’s Tempo Run Session A
Running at maximum intensity for about an hour will be done at or just below your threshold pace. When an event is longer than this your race pace will be further below threshold at Tempo pace. The best way to prepare the body to handle this intensity is to spend time running at it. This workout is great to include early in your build-up to expose the body to a slightly higher intensity.
View More Friday Fartlek Run: Kelly’s Tempo Run Session A