Within this session I’ve included some longer reps for stamina and some shorter reps to build your sprint speed. This session is perfect for Ironman and Olympic distance triathletes or people doing longer Ocean Swims.
View More Saturday Swim Session: Sprints & StaminaTag: Tri Swim Coaching
Saturday Swim Session: 100’s With Pull Buoy
The Pull Buoy is a great training tool, as it allows you to focus on your stroke whilst minimising the propulsive forces delivered by the legs. This workout includes some Pull Buoy work, between sets of 100m repetitions. This session is perfect for Ironman and Olympic distance triathletes or people doing longer Ocean Swims.
View More Saturday Swim Session: 100’s With Pull BuoySaturday Swim Session: Sprints
Regular sprint sessions can help build and develop your speed and the ability to sustain that speed. This session is perfect for Ironman and Olympic distance triathletes or people doing longer Ocean Swims.
View More Saturday Swim Session: SprintsSaturday Swim Session: Build 400’s
Swimming longer reps with a short to moderate rest between will build your endurance. This session is perfect for Ironman and Olympic distance triathletes or people doing longer Ocean Swims.
View More Saturday Swim Session: Build 400’sSaturday Swim Session: Pull Buoy & Paddles
Utilising paddles and a pull buoy into your training will bring about some great enhancements in strength and efficiencies, if they aren’t over used. This session is perfect for Ironman and Olympic distance triathletes or people doing longer Ocean Swims.
View More Saturday Swim Session: Pull Buoy & PaddlesSaturday Swim Session: More 200’s
200m is a great distance to build elements of both stamina and speed. Not pure speed like for a 25m or 50m sprint but sustained speed for longer events. This session is perfect for Ironman and Olympic distance triathletes or people doing longer Ocean Swims.
View More Saturday Swim Session: More 200’sSaturday Swim Session: 200m For Success
200m is a great distance to build elements of both stamina and speed. Not pure speed like for a 25m or 50m sprint but sustained…
View More Saturday Swim Session: 200m For SuccessSaturday Swim Session: 200m Paddles
Hand paddles are a great training tool to help develop strength by increasing the resistance on your hands as you swim. This session is perfect for Ironman and Olympic distance triathletes or people doing longer Ocean Swims.
View More Saturday Swim Session: 200m PaddlesSaturday Swim Session: 2,000m Time Trial
Longer reps such as this 2,000m TT workout are a great way to develop stamina and enhance your efficiency, as well as improve your pacing. This session is perfect for Ironman and Olympic distance triathletes or people doing longer Ocean Swims.
View More Saturday Swim Session: 2,000m Time TrialSaturday Swim Session: Broken 800’s
Swimming longer reps within a set will develop your stamina. Following them up with short, faster reps will give you speed at the end of your event. This session is perfect for Ironman and Olympic distance triathletes or people doing longer ocean swims.
View More Saturday Swim Session: Broken 800’s