Threshold intervals are a great way to increase your tolerance for riding hard. Use this workout to boost your speed and endurance. This is great for all…
View More Wednesday Windtrainer Workout: 3x 8 minute Threshold IntervalsTag: Windtrainer Session
Wednesday Windtrainer Workout: 3x 6min Threshold Intervals
Threshold intervals are a great way to increase your tolerance for riding hard. Use this workout to boost your speed and endurance. This is great for all cyclists including mountain bikers and triathletes.
View More Wednesday Windtrainer Workout: 3x 6min Threshold IntervalsWednesday Windtrainer Workout: 3x 15 minute Threshold Intervals
Threshold intervals are a great way to increase your tolerance to riding fast for an extended period of time. Use this workout to boost your speed…
View More Wednesday Windtrainer Workout: 3x 15 minute Threshold IntervalsWednesday Windtrainer Workout: 6x 4min VO2 Max Intervals
This session develops your top-end speed and power making you a faster cyclist. It is great for all cyclists, including mountain bikers and triathletes, but especially for road cyclists as it simulates riding hard to either chase down or create a break.
View More Wednesday Windtrainer Workout: 6x 4min VO2 Max IntervalsWednesday Windtrainer Workout: 5x 2min VO2 Max Intervals
This session develops your top-end speed and power making you a faster cyclist. It is great for all cyclists, including mountain bikers and triathletes, but…
View More Wednesday Windtrainer Workout: 5x 2min VO2 Max IntervalsWednesday Windtrainer Workout: Ladder
This workout is the perfect session to develop a range of cycling intensities. It is great for all cyclists, including mountain bikers and triathletes, but especially…
View More Wednesday Windtrainer Workout: LadderWednesday Windtrainer Workout: Time-Crunched, Mixed-Energy Systems Ride
This workout is the perfect session to develop a range of cycling intensities. It is great for all cyclists, including mountain bikers and triathletes but especially for road cyclists.
View More Wednesday Windtrainer Workout: Time-Crunched, Mixed-Energy Systems RideWednesday Windtrainer Workout: Speed Pyramid
This workout is the perfect session to develop your top-end cycling power. It is great for all cyclists, including mountain bikers and triathletes.
View More Wednesday Windtrainer Workout: Speed PyramidWednesday Windtrainer Workout: Power-Based Steady State Trainer Session III
This workout is the perfect session to start building your fitness as you either get back into training or as you build an aerobic base…
View More Wednesday Windtrainer Workout: Power-Based Steady State Trainer Session IIIWednesday Windtrainer Workout: Power-Based Steady State Trainer Session II
This workout is the perfect session to start building your fitness as you either get back into training or as you build an aerobic base…
View More Wednesday Windtrainer Workout: Power-Based Steady State Trainer Session II