Back in 2007 I conducted windtrainer class. I had a fleet of Minoura Mag-800’s and I hired a hall & had a great group of athletes that would join me once a week for a tough session (similar to Spinervals by Coach Troy Jacobson except I also rode with my athletes and sweated up a storm along side them). I’ve recently been tidying up some old boxes in the garage and found my old lesson plans and the music to go along side them. Although primarily designed for triathletes this session is great for anyone wanting to boost their FTP (yes, I was training with power back then with the old Polar WIND power meter temperamental as it was) and it involves riding a large portion of the workout at Threshold.
View More Wednesday Windtrainer Workout: QK WT Class IVTag: Zwift Workout File
Wednesday Windtrainer Workout: QK WT Class III
Back in 2007 I conducted windtrainer class. I had a fleet of Minoura Mag-800’s and I hired a hall & had a great group of athletes that would join me once a week for a tough session (similar to Spinervals by Coach Troy Jacobson except I also rode with my athletes and sweated up a storm along side them). I’ve recently been tidying up some old boxes in the garage and found my old lesson plans and the music to go along side them. This was the third session I took. Although primarily designed for triathletes this session is great for anyone wanting to boost their FTP (yes, I was training with power back then with the old Polar WIND power meter temperamental as it was).
View More Wednesday Windtrainer Workout: QK WT Class IIIWednesday Windtrainer Workout: QK WT Class II
Back in 2007 I conducted windtrainer class. I had a fleet of Minoura Mag-800’s and I hired a hall had a great group of athletes that would join me once a week for a tough session (similar to Spinervals by Coach Troy Jacobson except I also rode with my athletes and sweated up a storm along side them). I’ve recently been tidying up some old boxes in the garage and found my old lesson plans and the music to go along side them. This was the session I took for the very first class. Although primarily designed for triathletes this session is great for anyone wanting to boost their FTP (yes, I was training with power back then with the old Polar WIND power meter temperamental as it was).
View More Wednesday Windtrainer Workout: QK WT Class IIWednesday Windtrainer Workout: QK WT Class I
Back in 2007 I conducted windtrainer class. I had a fleet of Minoura Mag-800’s and I hired a hall had a great group of athletes that would join me once a week for a tough session (similar to Spinervals by Coach Troy Jacobson except I also rode with my athletes and sweated up a storm along side them). I’ve recently been tidying up some old boxes in the garage and found my old lesson plans and the music to go along side them. This was the session I took for the very first class. Although primarily designed for triathletes this session is great for anyone wanting to boost their FTP (yes, I was training with power back then with the old Polar WIND power meter temperamental as it was).
View More Wednesday Windtrainer Workout: QK WT Class IWednesday Windtrainer Workout: Cyclist Magazine’s High-Intensity Intervals
This is a great workout for developing your VO2 Max. This is perfect for short course triathletes and also road racers and mountain bikers.
View More Wednesday Windtrainer Workout: Cyclist Magazine’s High-Intensity IntervalsWednesday Windtrainer Workout: Haddi’s Pyramid
This is a great VO2 max workout that will boost your top-end speed and endurance. This is great for all cyclists including mountain bikers and triathletes.
View More Wednesday Windtrainer Workout: Haddi’s PyramidWednesday Windtrainer Workout: 8x 5min VO2 Max Intervals
This session is great for developing a high VO2 Max which will enable you to have a higher top speed and greater athletic potential. This is great for all cyclists including mountain bikers and triathletes.
View More Wednesday Windtrainer Workout: 8x 5min VO2 Max IntervalsWednesday Windtrainer Workout: 8x 4min VO2 Max Intervals
This session is great for developing a high VO2 Max which will enable you to have a higher top speed and greater athletic potential. This is great for all cyclists including mountain bikers and triathletes.
View More Wednesday Windtrainer Workout: 8x 4min VO2 Max IntervalsWednesday Windtrainer Workout: 8x 3min VO2 Max Intervals
This session is great for developing a high VO2 Max which will enable you to have a higher top speed and greater athletic potential. This is great for all cyclists including mountain bikers and triathletes.
View More Wednesday Windtrainer Workout: 8x 3min VO2 Max IntervalsWednesday Windtrainer Workout: Half Ironman Surges
The session is a great way to develop your ability to ride a steady state for about 90km (like a half Ironman or 70.3) and be capable…
View More Wednesday Windtrainer Workout: Half Ironman Surges