
Sunday Smart-Trainer Session – Martin Gibala Intervals II

Doing repeated short bouts of exercise at very high intensity develops a number of physiological systems in the body. Predominantly it provides a great training stimulus for the neuromuscular system. Although not specific to endurance events, training the neuromuscular system can bring on your fitness very quickly and is still a massive benefit for endurance athletes especially early in the season or if you are unfit. This workout can be done by beginners or experienced cyclists alike because a max sprint is all about your level of effort and is likely to be different from another rider.

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Sunday Smart-Trainer Session – Martin Gibala Intervals I

Doing repeated short bouts of exercise at very high intensity develops a number of physiological systems in the body. Predominantly it provides a great training stimulus for the neuromuscular system. Although not specific to endurance events, training the neuromuscular system can bring on your fitness very quickly and is still a massive benefit for endurance athletes especially early in the season or if you are unfit. This workout can be done by beginners or experienced cyclists alike because a max sprint is all about your level of effort and is likely to be different from another rider.

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Sunday Smart-Trainer Session – Robin Tullett’s Pyramid Endurance Workout Four Reverse

For longer distance events such as an Ironman 70.3 (or even an Olympic distance triathlon) spending training time at both threshold and tempo intensity is beneficial, as it is likely that you’ll spend some portion of the cycle leg at these intensities (more time at tempo than threshold). This workout is a great test that gives you a great training stimulus. Don’t attempt this workout unless you are well-rested. Treat this as a race simulation, use your race bike, and practice your nutrition.

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Cycling Session

Sunday Smart-Trainer Session – Quad Crusher V LC

All cyclists need leg strength, it is after all what allows us to pedal with a large amount of force and which is a key component to developing power. This workout is great at developing leg strength through an accumulation of time at a low cadence and moderate to high workload. This is interspaced with high-intensity efforts, just to keep you on your toes.

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Cycling Session

Sunday Smart-Trainer Session – Robin Tullett’s Pyramid Endurance Workout Four

For longer distance events such as an Ironman or Ironman 70.3 spending training time at both threshold and tempo intensity is beneficial, as it is likely that you’ll spend some portion of the cycle leg at these intensities (more time at tempo than threshold). This workout is a great test that gives you a great training stimulus. Don’t attempt this workout unless you are well-rested. Treat this as a race simulation use your race bike and practise your nutrition.

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Cycling Session

Sunday Smart-Trainer Session – Quad Crusher IV LC

All cyclists need leg strength, it is after all what allows us to pedal with a large amount of force and which is a key component to developing power. This workout is great at developing leg strength through an accumulation of time at a low cadence and moderate to high workload. This is interspaced with high-intensity efforts, just to keep you on your toes.

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Cycling Session

Sunday Smart-Trainer Session – Robin Tullett’s Interval Strength Workout Five

All cyclists need leg strength, it is after all what allows us to pedal with a large amount of force and which is a key component to developing power. This workout is great at developing leg strength through an accumulation of time at a low cadence and moderate to high workload. This session is great for all cyclists (road, MtB, or triathletes) who are trying to develop their leg strength.

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Cycling Session

Sunday Smart-Trainer Session – Quad Crusher III LC

All cyclists need leg strength, it is after all what allows us to pedal with a large amount of force and which is a key component to developing power. This workout is great at developing leg strength through an accumulation of time at a low cadence and moderate to high workload. This is interspaced with high-intensity efforts, just to keep you on your toes.

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Cycling Session

Sunday Smart-Trainer Session – Robin Tullett’s Interval Strength Workout Six

Riding at or around your Threshold will bring up both your ability to sustain high-intensity effort (as well as your suffering). This session is great for triathletes and road cyclists. It can also be beneficial for mountain bikers, especially for events that are about an hour in duration, such as a 40km Time Trial or the bike leg of an Olympic Distance Triathlon.

View More Sunday Smart-Trainer Session – Robin Tullett’s Interval Strength Workout Six